If the Chinese space station falls on the US , -it will fulfill the Hopi "Gourd of ashes prophecy"
alforddm":dqd9xjj4 said:I think most prophecy's are vague enough they can have any number of interpretations, however, I do believe in the second comming of Christ.
When I was around 16, I had a very vivid vision of myself with 4 kids. There was an older girl and two younger boys and I got the "feeling" of an older boy although I didn't see him. I now have 4 kids. Two older ones, a boy and a girl, and two younger boys. They girl and the two younger boys are now exactly the age I saw in my vision and the oldest in in college so he is "felt" but not seen. To make things even weirder, the middle boy was a complete surprise. He was not planned at all so it's not like a purposely fullfied my own vision.
I've never had another experience like this but it was so vivid it has stuck with me all these years.
alforddm":3jv5w77o said:I think most prophecy's are vague enough they can have any number of interpretations, however, I do believe in the second comming of Christ.
Thorn":4yoa4dwb said:alforddm":4yoa4dwb said:I think most prophecy's are vague enough they can have any number of interpretations, however, I do believe in the second comming of Christ.
Nothing much to do with prophecy but....
Many of my dreams, about one every two months, actually happen. Its odd, because its nothing important.(Opening a bale of hay, washing a blue bowl while watching rain through the window, etc) But its always there. I write down my dreams before I do other things in the morning. When I started doing this,I had, or rather remembered, more dreams, which was the purpose of the excercise.It was about that time I started to notice some of them happening. Before when I read about people seeing the future in their dreams I scoffed at it. A lucky chance. But now...i'm not so sure. Thing tend to happen in this world that don't really make sense. I realize them more now that I look out for them. :catmoon: