I’ve listed some breeding pairs below I want to do. Anyone know what colors this could produce?
Chocolate magpie-chocolate harlequin
Chocolate magpie-black tri
Chocolate magpie-black tort
Sable point frosty- black tri
Sable point frosty-Black tort
Sable point frosty-chocolate harlequin
Black otter-chocolate harlequin
Black otter-black tort
Sorry I know this is a lot but any help is appreciated!
Most of these pairings will depend heavily on what the individuals carry behind their dominant alleles.
Any of the pairings could produce BEWs or REWs if both parents carry vienna or REW.
Chocolate magpie x chocolate harlequin will probably make more chocolate harlequins, but they may also make chocolate magpies if the harlie carries a chinchilla allele. What you can be sure of though is that any chocolate x chocolate will only give you more chocolates (and/or lilacs if both parents carry dilute), but it will yield more showable varieties than mot of the other pairings on your list (depending on which breed you're working with).
A black tricolor is a broken harlequin, so about half of his litter will probably be brokens. A tri x chocolate magpie cross will likely produce black harlequins and tris (and possibly chocolate harlequins and tris, if the tri carries chocolate). But you might also get broken magpies if the tri carries chinchilla, and since magpie is already black and white, you won't necessarily know for sure which are the brokens.
Crossing harlequin or magpie (which is a chinchilla harlequin) with any color tort, which is a non-extension black, you will eventually end up with torted harlequins which are not generally desireable. You might see any number of other colors - see below about sable point (another non-extension color) x tri.
Sable point frosty- black tri
Sable point frosty-Black tort
Sable point frosty-chocolate harlequin
Sable point is a self non-extension sable, and black tri is a broken harlequin (which are usually but not always agouti-based). Probably about half of the kits will be broken colored. Otherwise this is a jumble and what you see will entirely depend on what the rabbits carry at their second loci. You'll probably get chestnut agouti, and/or chinchilla if the tri carries chin, and/or sable agouti if the tri happens to carry sable, himi or REW, and/or himalayan if they both carry himi, or if one carries himi and one carries REW. You might see blue-, chocolate- or lilac-based colors if both parents carry dilute and/or chocolate. You might get solid sables if the tri carries self, or otters if the tri carries tan. You may get normal or torted harlequins, and you might see self blacks. There are a ton of possibilities that all hinge on what the rabbits carry; on the fact that harlequin is partially dominant and can be partially or fully expressed, or not at all; and sable is also partially dominant and can mess things up for a long time.
Sable point (non-extension sable) and tort (non-extension self black) are both selfs and non-extension colors, so you'll get all selfs and non-extension colors. That'll be more or less limited to sable points and torts, possibly sallanders if the tort carries chinchilla. This is an okay color cross for many breeds.
Sable point x chocolate harlequin will give you roughly the same range of possibilities, including undesirable torted harlequins, as the cross with the tri, minus the brokens.
Black otter-chocolate harlequin
Black otter-black tort
Otter x harlequin might give you chestnuts or other agoutis; it may also give you harlequinized agoutis or torted harlequins, which are not desirable for those interested in showing. These would be black-based but you could also see blue-, chocolate- or lilac-based colors if the black otter carries chocolate, and/or both parents carry dilute. So, this is another cross that most breeders see as undesirable.
Otter x tort will likely give you more otters since otter is dominant over self, but also probably eventually foxes (torted otters), yet another undesirable result.