@ Dood
Oh yes, thank you very much for your idea, because i have not thought at all. The mother is vienna marked blue japanese harlequin with agouti. Her genetic code is A?B?Ccddeje. It is possible that the kit is blue sallander with agouti (blue frosted?) or black sallander with agouti. Because it is the same father like from the other litter, it can be only sallander black based or blue based with agouti not sable point or blue point with agouti, since the mother is Cc and the father Ccchd (in the other litter with the same father was a blue sallander).
Is there in US the same name for chinchilla with agouti and salbe point with agouti? Or are the colours called with you thus:
frosted = chinchilla with agouti black based = in germany black kemp (in the german language schwarzgrannen) A?B?cchd?D?ee
blue frosted = chinchilla blue based with agouti = in germany blue kemp (in the german language blaugrannen) A?B?cchd?ddee
chocolate frosted = chinchilla chocolate based with agouti = in germany chocolate kemp (in the german language havannagrannen) A?bbcchd?D?ee
lilac frosted = chinchilla lilac based with agouti = in germany lilac kemp (in the german language fehgrannen) A?bbcchd?ddee
frosted point = sable point with agouti (black based) = in germany sable point agouti (in the german language gelb siam wild) A?B?cchl?D?ee
blue frosted point = blue point with agouti = in germany blue point agouti (in the german language blau siam wild) A?B?cchl?ddee
chocolate frosted point = chocolate point with agouti = in germany chocolate point agouti (in the german language havanna siam wild) A?bbcchl?D?ee
lilac frosted point = lilac point with agouti = in germany lilac point agouti (in the german language feh siam wild) A?bbcchl?ddee