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Well-known member
Rabbit Talk Supporter
Dec 21, 2009
Reaction score
South Central Wisconsin
We have the angora does in a nice colony setup. We have Chuck (Himi angora buck) in a large cage right next to the colony (no, he can't get to them) so that they don't forget him. And then I have a big black buck out hopping around loose in the room while he waits for his new owner to get a place ready for him. (it's been a couple months now, but he's happy where he is).

Other than being male, this lovely big black buck is virtually identical to Fat Little bunny. (He's one of her offspring) A few weeks ago I noticed that Fat Little Bunny was outside the colony, so I scooped her up and put her back in the colony before anything nasty happened....except..she was already IN the colony.... :shock: uh-oh....Somehow they'd gotten switched around. I don't know how long the buck had been inside, but apparently it was long enough 'cuz this morning, bright and early, Chocolate Bunny delivered 6 fat shiny popples! :mbounce:

Very squiggly, looks like 4 blacks(possibly 1 is brown), a white, and something indeterminate. I didn't look closely yet 'cuz she's aggressively guarding them. Hopefully no one else will kindle. Although Vienna is quite fat, and FLB is too...although FLB is named "fat little bunny" for a reason. She could easily have sidled up to Chuck while she was out and about.

by the way, I found him inside the colony on the 16th of November. CB delivers on 30 days usually, so he must have been inside for at least 2 days. Oh...the joys of having a colony. I really need to get a new setup for the door....I figure he snuck in while I was inside feeding or cleaning, and she snuck OUT at the same time. They always mob the gate/door when I go inside.
Oh, my! You're liable to be knee deep in popples soon! It happened to me once when one of my bucks got out and then broke into the cages of all the females (and he only had a couple of hours to visit). With 2 days to play imagine he was quite busy in your colony. It sounds like there was a conspiracy among your rabbits.
I've been gone since Tuesday morning, and asked Mike to make sure to check on the 6 kits. (one was a little scrawny). So when we talked this morning (he's supposed to check every day) he said (in this horribly sad voice) "we lost 2. I don't know what happened. One was just inches from the nest, the other was almost outside...." so I'm thinking oh crud..down to 4, but that's okay I guess... and then he says "so..we're don't to 10 kits" SAY WHAT?????

WELL! FLB kindled 6 kits as well. We now have a couple of whites, a chocolate, "some" blacks, and 2 odd grey color..don't know what they're going to end up as.

anyone want an angora? :D
You could always bring me one *wink wink*

Make sure to bring some yummy food. Yup, I think your recipes sound so good, you'll just have to make me some. :D

Interesting looking critters, this time. One is a VERY dark looking tort, and the two "whites" are going really dark. I don't remember the himis from the last batch doing that. These 2 now have blue/grey heads and legs. and bellies, for that matter. The blacks are...black :)