Not an emergency per se- but my doe lost all but one of her kits (due to scattering them, starving them, and other reasons), and I really need to have the last one to survive weaning
. The kit is almost five weeks old, and I’m not going to start weaning until six weeks, but I need to gather as much info as possible before starting the process. Right now, I’m feeding them a pellet that is 18% protein, 16-21% fiber, and 1.1-1.2% calcium. It does not mention the carb total, but I’m estimating around 40%. It is a Timothy based pellet. I also have them on free feed Timothy hay, because the doe does not like alfalfa. Im planning on slowly moving the doe, Cheese, into a different hutch a little at a time, to get her used to the new hutch and Blanket used to not having her. Once I have Blanket by herself, I will let her get used to being alone for a few weeks while feeding her alfalfa hay mixed with the Timothy to get her weight up and get her growing bigger (she’s very small for her age because Cheese neglects her). I’m not planning on switching her to a different feed, I read that can compound weaning stress. Is there anything else I should worry about or know about before I start weaning?