We lost our moggie, Marilla

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Dec 16, 2009
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South Eastern Ontario

I haven't felt like posting about this until now, but MidnightCoder and I wanted those of you who remember our cat, Marilla, to know that we lost her last Friday. She had total kidney failure and euthanasia was the only kind choice. She went very peacefully. We buried her, wrapped in her special blanket, in a one of her favourite spots in the back yard. I wanted her close to us.

Marilla was eleven and a half years old and we had her for ten and a half of those years. I am trying to concentrate on those wonderful years she gave us and how happy and contented she was with her life. I have no regrets, except that her time was cut short.

MidnightCoder and I would like to say a special thank-you to our Mods, who have been so kind and supportive during this sad time. It helps to know that you care and that you were there for us when we needed you.
What a beautiful kitty! I am SO sorry for your loss :cry: It's wonderful to hear of the fantastic life that you gave her and that you were able to ease her pain in the end. ((hugs))
What a lovely girl.
We are struggling with kidney problems with my own 10 year old boy cat. Having buried my husband's 19 year old cat in the backyard just a few years ago, I tend to agree with Wheels:
doesn't seem to matter how long we have with them - it's never enough time.
Thank you all for your kind words. It means a lot to me that you all feel for us at this time. Marilla was as sweet as she was beautiful and I will always be grateful that we had so many good years with her... although Wheels and Zass are right, it is never enough time.

Zass, I do so hope that your boy overcomes his kidney problems. It is heartbreaking that so many cats succumb to kidney disease. (((HUGS)))

RandomRabbit, I loved telling stories about Marilla. It makes me feel good to know that you enjoyed reading them. She was a very special, very exceptional moggie.

Marilla was a wondercat. The stories you told of her always made me smile.

I am so sorry for your loss. It has been a year and half since the loss of my heart dog, and it still catches me by surprise how it can hurt. They get their little furry paws so deep into our hearts.
Cats are cool critters......They are certainly unique. I'm sure sorry for
your loss. Those little farts have a way of weaving themselves into the
fabric of your heart-strings, don't they?
I'm a little "odd" in that I've always been more of a "cat" person than
someone fond of dogs. Just in my DNA I suppose.
Marilla sure had a pretty face.
Mary's first cat, Maxwell, died when he was 21 years old. She'd never had
a cat before we were married.
Again, MJ, my sympathy's.

MaggieJ":2gcq6xw9 said:
MidnightCoder and I would like to say a special thank-you to our Mods, who have been so kind and supportive during this sad time. It helps to know that you care and that you were there for us when we needed you.

Aww. :oops: Of course we care... and I know how devastating it is when a treasured pet passes. They leave a hole in your heart that begs to be filled.

I hope that when you are ready to bring another lucky moggie into your lives that you will find the same joy and depth of love for him or her. I know that Marilla would want you to have another lap warmer, gardening companion, and mighty hunter of snakes and voles!

I'm glad that you have so many beautiful photos to remember her by, thanks in large part to MidnightCoder, I'm sure. I enjoy looking at photos of my past pets and remembering the good times we shared. I hope they will bring you some comfort.

Marilla truly was a "wonder cat". She will be missed here at RabbitTalk as well.

Your stories of Marilla always made me smile. Even more than ever, I think you should publish your story "A Visit from St. Nickomouse". I know that it would make a wonderful children's book, especially featuring such a pretty calico moggie as Marilla. :)

For the RT'ers that haven't yet read the story, (or anyone that feels like a taste of Christmas in June! ;) )here it is:

:thankyou: to all of you!

I'm doing better now. I'm finding that I can remember Marilla and smile (sometimes through tears, but still smile) at all the happy memories. It's a week today and this morning was a bit rough, thinking "this time last week".

I don't know when I will be ready to let another moggie into my heart. I need some time just to remember Marilla and grieve a little.
So sorry to hear of Marilla, Queen of all Moggies, passing. She was a treasured part of your family and our RT family as well.
MaggieJ":220g5mb3 said:

I haven't felt like posting about this until now, but MidnightCoder and I wanted those of you who remember our cat, Marilla, to know that we lost her last Friday. She had total kidney failure and euthanasia was the only kind choice. She went very peacefully. We buried her, wrapped in her special blanket, in a one of her favourite spots in the back yard. I wanted her close to us.

Marilla was eleven and a half years old and we had her for ten and a half of those years. I am trying to concentrate on those wonderful years she gave us and how happy and contented she was with her life. I have no regrets, except that her time was cut short.

MidnightCoder and I would like to say a special thank-you to our Mods, who have been so kind and supportive during this sad time. It helps to know that you care and that you were there for us when we needed you.

:( I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for telling us dear <3 best of luck.
When I saw you mention that you lost Marilla on another thread I was like "What?!" :shock: Then I looked here and found this thread. I am so sorry I didn't reply earlier... personal issues have been running rampant around here as of late. I am SO sorry you lost her! This reminded me of the time I lost my heart cat. He had FIP (feline infectious peretonitis) and went blind and died in my mothers arms. After that, it became hard to attach myself to another cat yet somehow, a goofy little beanpole of a tabby wormed his way into my life. Thinking about Lyon still hurts, but having someone else to love is, I found, very healing.

'Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all'
Thanks for your post, Hoppin' Half Pints. We miss Marilla very much but there is some comfort in knowing she had a very happy life. It's hard to think yet of getting another moggie, but I think I will want to in time. I miss Marilla for herself, but I also miss the feline presence in our home. (Not to mention that the mice are getting out of hand.)

I'm sorry you lost your Lyon. It's always so hard to lose the ones we love so much.