We have kits!!!!

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I checked the kits tonight. Bertha has pulled even more fur for them and they had full bellies. Yay!
Why not repurpose the Tyvek feed bags and make strips out of that?
the bags that my feed comes in are paper, so it doesn't work very well.

congrats on the kits ollitos! they are cute!
SterlingSatin":28jhek1t said:
the bags that my feed comes in are paper

Wow- lucky you! Put them through a paper shredder for nesting material! :p I have forfeited using the re-usable grocery bags just to get my hands on some paper. We need it for the fireplace and nests since we don't get a newspaper.
lol we get daily newspaper. i am NEVER short of supply. i wish i had less paper lying around. i dont' even have a paper shredder, but its becoming more and more necessary :p
4 days old

Starting to get some of their own fur

So teeny!!
Aww- look at the little pink piggies!

I hope they are getting plenty of kisses!
Here are all seven, lined up for me. They are definitely starting to fur out which makes them look a lot less like naked mole rats. LOL My kids want to take them to school and the teachers really want me to bring them in. I'm thinking about taking the nesting box in late next week to let the kids see what the baby bunnies look like, but not allow everyone to handle them. Then bring them back once they're out of the nesting box.


This morning they all had very full bellies. Some of them, I could just feel their weight and know they had eaten well. Bertha is drinking a ton of water every day. Her grass and feed consumption has also picked up. She's doing very well and seems to be doing a great job with her babies.
It's amazing how a little fuzz makes them so much cuter, isn't it? :lol:

I'm sure they will be a hit when you take them on their little "field trip"!