We have kits!!!! What now?

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Well-known member
Feb 26, 2015
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South TX
Some of you have followed my posts about our first experience with breeding and false pregnancy. I am happy to announce that we have 2 kits (for sure-maybe more) as of today!!!!!! I really want to leave them alone and let nature be for a week or so, but I am not sure what to be looking for or what I should be checking. I know for sure that right now they look like chubby wigglies. The are all covered on fur and were born in the nest, and she does run next to them if we come around but isn't trying to harm them, just lunge at us if we get too close. I moved a little fur and took a real quick pic but I doesn't show much.....do I need to to check her or them more in depth? Thanks for any advice you give in advance:)
Mine are protective like that, now is the time though to get close with your doe, give her treats like parsley, it helps bring in the milk and pets..She has the prolactin flowing and she should bond to you as well as the kits.
You will want to remove any nasty nesting material if there is any, And check for doa's You don't want any dead kits near your live ones.
Don't worry about her rejecting them or anything like that. She won't I pull my nest boxes and check over everybody daily. And my hubby is worse.His phone is full of new born pictures :lol:
Above all else ENJOY!!! :cheer1: :cheer2: Yea!!Babies!!!
You'll want to check them out to see how many there are, check to make sure everyone is ok and there are no dead kits, and just see how darn cute they are. :) Try not to jump or act scared if she lunges at you when you try to get them; just go slow, calm, steady, but with intent that you WiLL bring their nest box out to look at them. Others might have other advice, but I've used a flap of cardboard to block one assertive, stomping mama near a cage wall while I brought the babies out. She's the only one I've had who became high-strung, so I'm not sure if what I did is a great idea, but it worked for my doe & I.

And congratulations!!! How exciting for you!
I will add that you really want to check them regularly to make sure all are well and getting fed. There are things you can do if some need some extra help. A bit of parsley every few days will help the doe with milk production as well.

And about day 10 or 11, I recommend changing out all of the nest box material and replacing it. This can help prevent nest box eye.

Congrats on the kits!
Feed scoops make good barriers. Most does won't make too much effort to get in the way. Some will ignore you if they get a treat. If she's getting upset just slip the box out quick to check them over. Does do not care if their kits were removed or handled but may get upset seeing someone reaching in their cage full of kits so just remove them while checking if necessary. Pull each one out to check for any injuries, look around for any dead kits, and you'll want to look at them daily to see they are getting fed. If you want to let nature take it's course expect nature to claim more litters than if you help. Depending on the materials put in the box and the box and litter size you may need to clean it at some point. I tend to use a box size up from what my rabbits need and really layer in the absorbent and insulating material so I don't have to clean a box before they start spending a lot of time out of it at around 2 weeks old. Many do clean the box and just try to save some fur to combine with fresh straw or hay at around 10 days.
So she had 2 yesterday and we came home from church today to find 5 more! 2 dead-and 2 in the litter pan alive and one alive on the wire. I put then all in the nest and they are covered in fur, but isn't this unusual? I thought she would have them all in about 20 mins time. One dead one looked to be stretched......now what was a clean box with 2 live kits looks like a murder scene! I think I'll leave them alone for tonight and clean the cage and best tomorrow.....
2 born in the litter pan + mom are all kind of dirty.....should I take a gentle washcloth to them or wait and see if she cleans them more? The kits in the litterpan were rolling around in pee and poop berries
Just my opinion...I would clean them up before putting them in the nest, I would also remove any dirty nesting material. If mom has blood on her she will clean that off. But if she has waste on her I would try to clean as much as possible off her

Sounds like she went through a rough time so don't stress her out by trying to give her a bath..but a warm wet wash cloth should be ok. :)
katiebear":k1b2j3fj said:
Just my opinion...I would clean them up before putting them in the nest, I would also remove any dirty nesting material. If mom has blood on her she will clean that off. But if she has waste on her I would try to clean as much as possible off her

Sounds like she went through a rough time so don't stress her out by trying to give her a bath..but a warm wet wash cloth should be ok. :)

Thanks ladies:). I did notice one seems to be squished up also, with his ears still stuck to the back of his neck. Seems a little deformed maybe too, but he's alive so I'm hoping he may get fluffed out and stretch and still turn out ok-I'll get it all cleaned up and them worked over tomorrow:)
macksmom98":1i1zhpbo said:
Thanks ladies:). I did notice one seems to be squished up also, with his ears still stuck to the back of his neck. Seems a little deformed maybe too, but he's alive so I'm hoping he may get fluffed out and stretch and still turn out ok-I'll get it all cleaned up and them worked over tomorrow:)

Could be a peanut if there are any dwarf genetics. You'll know soon enough though.
yes we have 1 that's noticeably larger than the others, so I cant figure out if I have 4 peanuts or 1 giant, lol:) Little guys ears and body already look much better today! I think he just has some afterbirth on him that made him stick in places:) So far all are still holding their own and survived an awful lightning storm last night. They don't really look fed well yet. I put each of them on her this morning and have given her several parsley sprigs today, but how long does it take moms milk to come in usually? Hopefully the help suckling that I gave them by putting them on her will kick milk production in full gear, we shall see. I also fed her a treat of mint yesterday until I realized that's not good for lactating mommas, so hopefully I didn't hinder anything but it seems that they dry up when fed that over time, so fingers crossed im still ok:)
Are either of the first two she had still alive?
If they have been nursing her milk should be in by now? If you don't see full bellies in the morning, I would stay using the doe for supplemental feedings and see if you can get full bellies then?
You should have fed kits by morning, sometimes the milk can take about 24 hours to come in. Keep giving her parsley, and don't worry if you don't see her feed them...most does won't feed in front of people. Most does feed at dawn and then again at sunset. If you have no tummies then lap feed, do not flip the doe or you will have flying kits. Just put a towel on your lap with a little "hammock" between your legs place doe on your lap facing you,let her bury her head in your shirt, when she is calm, have someone slip the kits into the pocket..a feed should take no more than 10 min. or so..
If you must hand feed there is a good formula that some have had success with it's one cup evaporated caned goat milk ( you can find this an the baking isle of a grocery store) 1 egg yolk and 1 tsp corn syrup. feed with dropper or medicine syringe. Best wishes for full tummies!! :)
Yes the first 2 are alive and one for sure looks fed:) I'll check them again in the morning and see how they look, it will be 36+ hours then and they should have eaten. When I put them on her I couldn't get it done with her standing up so I rolled her over and worked with one at a time. They didn't seem to be sucking for very long intervals at a time and I didn't see much milk or full bellies when done, but they were sucking on teats for sure....great idea katiebear!! <br /><br /> -- Mon Apr 13, 2015 11:10 pm -- <br /><br /> Yes the first 2 are alive and one for sure looks fed:) I'll check them again in the morning and see how they look, it will be 36+ hours then and they should have eaten. When I put them on her I couldn't get it done with her standing up so I rolled her over and worked with one at a time. They didn't seem to be sucking for very long intervals at a time and I didn't see much milk or full bellies when done, but they were sucking on teats for sure....great idea katiebear!!
Here's a very bad sketch of how to give kits a supplemental feeding from mom - hope this helps (forgive the quality - I'm no artist)

Syberchick70":2i8bo87l said:
macksmom98":2i8bo87l said:
Thanks ladies:). I did notice one seems to be squished up also, with his ears still stuck to the back of his neck. Seems a little deformed maybe too, but he's alive so I'm hoping he may get fluffed out and stretch and still turn out ok-I'll get it all cleaned up and them worked over tomorrow:)

Could be a peanut if there are any dwarf genetics. You'll know soon enough though.

How can you tell a peanut from the rest? I feel like there might be two that are smaller than the others now, and in fact they also seemed less fed today so I brought them in tonight and put them on her to eat. The rest seem to be looking good (I think). All are very lively and jumpy, seem very active. I hope this is a good thing and doesn't mean they are starving, but tummys look pretty good on 3 of them, so I decided to intervene and help the other 2. <br /><br /> -- Tue Apr 14, 2015 10:11 pm -- <br /><br />
Syberchick70":2i8bo87l said:
Here's a very bad sketch of how to give kits a supplemental feeding from mom - hope this helps (forgive the quality - I'm no artist)

You drew this? That's amazing! And helpful:) I used this method tonight with the little ones......
I don't think you can do any harm by giving extra feedings to kits.

Peanuts are only produced if both parents are dwarves. They look very different with small ears set further back on their heads, pinched hindquarters (back legs usually cross). They never live, but many people let them die a natural death. <br /><br /> -- Tue Apr 14, 2015 10:16 pm -- <br /><br />
macksmom98":1ftffw49 said:
Syberchick70":1ftffw49 said:
Here's a very bad sketch of how to give kits a supplemental feeding from mom - hope this helps (forgive the quality - I'm no artist)

You drew this? That's amazing! And helpful:) I used this method tonight with the little ones......

:lol: thank you... I'm glad it helped. I didn't even know if it would be clear enough to let a person understand the technique.
I totally got what you meant by the drawing-it worked great:) Ill look at their back legs tomorrow..... I am guessing since I have Hollands that they would both have the dwarf gene but who knows. They are sweet-I hope they make it. They aren't a whole lot smaller than everyone else so maybe they are just runts. I still have one that's noticeably larger, and what I read about peanuts that 2 out of a litter of 7 wouldn't be unusual, so ill have to take a closer look and keep an eye open.....

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