Wanted to show off my RoundTop rabbit cages.

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Half-Pint Homestead

Active member
Feb 28, 2013
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Hi Everyone!

Just wanted to show off my RoundTop rabbit cages... and my Silver Fox rabbits of course! I'm not so great at taking pictures of wire so I made a YouTube video.

Someone else here uses that style... I wanna say CnB, but I might be wrong.

I think they're really neat, and a great way to cut down on costs. I didn't watch the vid, because my bandwidth is being all wonky, though.
Cool! I've never seen anyone else with this particular design, although I've seen ones that curve lengthwise for sturdy "rabbit tractors". I like this design for the built in hay feeder as well as the fact that you use 6' less wire, although there is more cutting so it takes longer to assemble them.

Amazing how dependent on the Web we get. :p I remember dial-up.... if there was a photo, you went and cooked dinner while it loaded (does that make me old?) :geek: :D
I have to be careful with bandwidth, too, so I haven't watched it. I might, when I get close to my rollover date. :) Satellite internet is the only thing going out here. :D (Though they just did run a phone line down our road...)

Half-Pint Homestead":1k1z7q6j said:
Amazing how dependent on the Web we get. :p I remember dial-up.... if there was a photo, you went and cooked dinner while it loaded (does that make me old?) :geek: :D

Oh, yeah, I remember that. :lol:

Of course, I remember connecting to the infant internet by filling in required fields like baud... and pretty much all you could do was transfer files, and you just about had to know how to program in order to do anything....... :eek:ldgeezer:
We lived off grid in the woods for a year and a half. One of the reasons we decided to move into town (we're two blocks from the town square) was good internet services. The other was that we realized we were so dependent on our vehicles that we were further away from being self-reliant that when in town. Pretty much everything went into either the gas tank or the generator. :treadmill:

So we decided to see how much we could do here. Sort of a "grow where you are planted" deal. :lol:
Hi Chewy,

There are two 35"x24" cages and the nestboxes are 10"x17" so I think so. I keep my Silver Foxes in them and I believe they are about the same size. You could use 30" wire instead of 24", but I don't because I can't reach to the back then.
Mine are lengthwise. I don't feed hay, just hay cubes.

Less corners to run into? Top should be stronger, like eggs are, because it disperses pressure around and not just sag in the middle like normal cages.
ChickiesnBunnies":3sxktcsi said:
Mine are lengthwise. I don't feed hay, just hay cubes.

Less corners to run into? Top should be stronger, like eggs are, because it disperses pressure around and not just sag in the middle like normal cages.

I'm getting closer everyday on that "sagging" in the middle.... just three short years from hitting the big 40 :x !!! Oh, you meant cages!! Oops..... Well since I am on the subject.... pretty soon my boobs are going to be in FL in retirement before I am!!! :shock: :x :shock: :x :bananadance: :bananadance2: :bananadance: :crazyfrog:
:tease: I'm 42... but mine are too small for gravity to have much effect!! :tease:

That being said, They are VERY strong and I love the hay feeder. I feed Fodder and weeds and then keep cheap grass hay in there all the time for them to "graze" when they get bored. I don't care about waste with this system, but I've been really amazed that almost none of it falls through the bottom.

The down side: They take a little longer to build because you are shaping the top.
Half-Pint Homestead":xiods15o said:
:tease: I'm 42... but mine are too small for gravity to have much effect!! :tease:

My grandmother "Mamaw" was the on that passed it down. LOL!!! Husband loves it, but the half tan that is going to be on them from Florida before I get there is what gets me!!! :lol: :x :p :p :p :x :x :slap: :fainting: :bananadance: :bananadance2: :bananadance: :crazyfrog: