Waiting List programs?

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
Are there any Waiting List programs out there? I'd like a better way to keep track than Notepad...
If I understand what you're asking, there's a Calender that I have on my phone that you can put any info in and store it as a sticky note. Or you can choose a date, such as when the litter would be ready, and then schedule reminders to pop up at anytime you want prior to the event. I'm not sure of a name for a program on a computer that does that, but Im sure you could find something that's a calender that does the same thing that would work
you could make a simple list using a word or excel type program.

What all information do you want to put on it?
Do you mean to keep track of who you have lined up to buy rabbits? Kintracks has every feature I've ever wanted and then some. You can enter plenty of notes under the doe's record or under the litter record when you breed the doe (before you know how many kits are spoken for) or under the kits' records when you create entries for them to indicate how many are promised and to whom.
Name of person who wants them, gender, color, breed, what day I know the sexes, what day they are ready to be picked up, day/place they are scheduled to pick up, contact info.
I'd like something that could remind me with a pop up like the day before so I don't have to check it like I have OCD, I tend to forget otherwise. :/
You're probably looking at two separate programs then.

Google calendar will do a pop up whenever you ask it to.
And if you linked to it from an excel type program it would work just fine for you I think.
Guess I'll have to dig up my old geeky Win XP program websites and find a free program. Just thought there would be one out there by now. Ah well. :/
Hi Chicksnbunnies ... have you looked at Global Pedigree Project? I find his site to be quite responsive for tracking ... I enter the breeding date and it pops up reminders for palpation, nest box, etc.

Chicksnbunnies ... in Global Pedigree Project, you can make notes and stick them to a date in the calendar and they will pop up on that date ... in the note, you can put in any info you want ... names, addresses, etc. and you are the only one who sees the note. You can also "stick" it to a particular rabbit in a particular litter, or just "stick" it to the whole litter.

There is a free trial that you can poke around in it with to see if it is flexible enough for you, and the best part is it is accessible anywhere you have internet connection.

You can also generate pedigrees from there with all the buyer's info along with your rabbitry info, etc. And it will automatically fill in the pedigree for print out, or can be emailed.

With all the interconnectivity, you can see how other rabbits from a particular breeder/line have done on the show tables (currently limited, but expanding each month!)

ThUD - just a very satisfied and happy customer :D
Whether or not the Global Pedigree Project can manage your waiting list (I hadn't thought of that as an application for it), I couldn't have given a better plug than Ann just did. Take a peek at your subscription status Ann. My way of saying thank you!

Jeremy, I noticed that earlier tonight and was wondering about it. THANK YOU SO MUCH! I just absolutely love, love, love to simply browse through the different breeds and pedigrees. I think that you have designed and developed the premier rabbit application that leaves the "competition" in the dust in regards to versatility, ease of use, and simple usefulness of information format.

I entered my 2 pedigreed rabbits during my free trial and this program caught a discrepency on my paper pedigree from the breeder. I contacted her and she pulled the original paper pedigree and found that the rabbit breeders software she was using had put the wrong ancestor in the printout. I would have been mortified to register that rabbit with ARBA and then have to make a correction later on, or, heaven forbid, have them catch the discrepency and penelize me for mis-representing an ancestry (do they do that?) The result of this was my immediate (well, had to wait for the funds at the beginning of the next month :lol:) membership application! ThUD ... just a very satisfied member.