Very disappointed, and a bit ticked off!

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Well-known member
Mar 9, 2011
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I've been waiting.....and waiting...and waiting.......very patiently I might add, for the commercial processor who agreed to process our rabbits, to complete his building, and be ready to process for me. I've checked in with him several times, and he kept saying check back in two weeks. Well yesterday I called back, as asked two weeks after the last time I talked with him, and now he can't get my rabbits in the schedule. He's to busy with beef and pork! That's what all the other processors excuses were too. I quit! Done!

I'm selling everything I have, I need to cut back on something, and free up some time. The rabbits have to go.

I have some really nice black NZ, a NZ white buck, and also a couple different lines of spotted meat rabbits that I've been working on. The spotted ones are black and white brokens, and those are up to generation 2. The oldest gen 2 are right around 4 months old, and some that are 2 months old. They are 1/2 NZ, with part cally, and a small part English Spot.

I'd like to sell everything together, or at least in 2 lots, NZ and Brokens. Willing to work on a price if you are willing to take everthing, or at least all the NZ or all the spotted.

I have 3 NZB does, 1 NZW buck, 3 NZB friers ready to process, or pick from for breeding (not yet sexed), a litter of 6 - 5 week olds out of a NZB doe, and NZW buck, as well as a litter of 7 - 3 1/2 week olds that are out of a NZB doe and my white NZ buck.

There's a bunch of spotted ones that I can get a count of if anyone is interested.

Please p.m. if you have any serious interest.

I am in Wisconsin.
Can you not process them yourself? Rabbits are very easy to do. I am now down to 9 min. each. :cool:
We've been processing our own for home use for 3 years now, we wanted to use them in our restaurant, and in order to do that they need to be processed commercially. I've looked into just about everything possible.
fuzzy9":1660aghv said:
We've been processing our own for home use for 3 years now, we wanted to use them in our restaurant, and in order to do that they need to be processed commercially. I've looked into just about everything possible.

Just an idea, can you set up your own inspected processing center?

And raise almighty ructions at the one that has been putting you off, they are WELL in the wrong!
No, we don't want to get that into it. It's time to just let it go, I need to cut back for times sake anyway. The restaurant is very time consuming.
Knowing when to cut your losses is a life skill worth learning.

Still working on learning it myself. ;)
Aww, Geri, I'm sorry. :(

I think you are feeling very overwhelmed right now with the holidays coming up and a busy season for the restaurant, compounded by the frustration of the processing falling through.

Don't be too hasty to quit rabbits altogether... I know how much you enjoy them as photographic subjects and the surprises in the spotted nestboxes. :)

Maybe you could just keep a couple does and a buck from the spotted mutts and sell the NZ's?

Or sell all of the rabbits for now but keep some cages?

Whatever you decide, I hope you will still pop in here every once in a while to let us know how things are going with you. You can get your virtual bunny fix at the same time! :)

Thank you, MSD, and Miss M! Your kindness means more than you know! :grouphug:

I sold the NZ black does today, and one of the brokens I gave to her free for her two children. This is a family that I know from previous sales they did with me, and I know the two girls adore the rabbits! I convinced her to buy my breeding does, knowing they would have very very good homes there, and be well taken care of, that she wouldn't just process them. These are the ones I didn't have the heart to process myself, especially the senior 2 year old doe, she's been such a good doe to me, and gave me so many nice litters over the last couple years. Processing her wasn't the right thing to do in my eyes.

The broken that I gave her for the girls....nope, just couldn't do it! How do you process a rabbit with a perfect cross on her forehead???? I had given her another broken doe for the girls last fall, and they love her to death, and have even taken her to show-and-tell at school, so this little doe will have a great place with those two girls!! :) Makes me happy!!


I have 6 NZ black friers, and only the broken crosses left, those will be processed on Monday. I'll only be left with two weanling litters that we'll grow out, and process when they are ready.

Tuesday some of the cages are being sold to someone needing cages, and all my bottles and feeders that won't be needed for growout of the other litters, and then once the other two litters are ready to process, I will officially be done with rabbits. :( I'm sad, but sometimes we have to be able to set our priorities straight, and deal with life head on. Right now, that's my husband, and our new business. Life marches on! :)
So sorry to hear this, Geri. But...good on you for knowing your priorities and limitations. Those are not always easy lessons to learn.

Hoping things continue to get better and better for you and your family.

*hopes you stick around RT anyhow*
I'm really, really, REALLY sorry things didn't work out...I was so rooting for you to have rabbit on the menu!!! I'd give that processor a piece of my mind!!! :rant:

HOWEVER...I also totally understand. Life happens, situations change, and we must each do what we feel is right. :) And I am so glad your restaurant is doing so well that it takes up so much time, it speaks volumes about the quality and love that goes into it. :)

You'll stick around on RT though, won't you?
Thank you Marinea and Kyle for such kind words! :-D It's appreciated very much!

As Tuesday (processing day) gets closer, the reality of this decision is setting in. I sat in my easy chair out in the rabbitry this morning, just listening to them eating, and watching my spotted does, thinking how sad it is that my spotted project is coming to an end. :( But like was said, life's decisions are sometimes hard to make. I really wish someone around our area would take them over, but there's been no interest, and with the cost of feed that went into raising them, I can't just give them all away, so we'll process for our own use. Everyone around here wants something for next to nothing, and I just can't do that.

I will pop in once in a while, to see how everyone is doing, get my rabbit fix, and look at all the pictures. :) I'll keep you all updated on the restaurant too! We just had the log siding stained, and it looks awesome! Waiting for our sign to be finished now too, and then we'll finally be official! Oh, and just last Saturday, Nov was officially 1 year for us! Hard to believe it's been a year already!!!
Thanks Miss M! :) The little girls took her to show-and-tell at school already! Makes me happy to hear that!
Geri, I'm so very sorry that you are faced with this situation. It must be so frustrating and disappointing, when everything was looking so favourable. I apologize for not responding sooner... I thought I had but in reviewing the thread just now I realized that I must have put it off until I had more time. Like that ever happens! :roll:

Any chance you could keep your best buck and doe around, either as "pets" or as breeders for your own use. It wouldn't cost that much and it would preserve the genes if circumstances change and you have the opportunity to rev up production in the future.

Whatever happens, I hope you will pop in to see us often and update us about your restaurant and other projects. You'll be glad to hear that my sister finally got her restaurant open again after so many delays and set-backs... and that her clientel is wildly delighted and ensuring the new Fine Thymes Bistro and Bakery is a big success. MidnightCoder entirely redesigned her website. If you have a minute you might want to take a look, since you are both in similar ventures.
MaggieJ":tmced6u8 said:
MidnightCoder entirely redesigned her website. If you have a minute you might want to take a look, since you are both in similar ventures.

I just went to look, and got a McAfee "Dangerous Site" warning.
Thank you, Maggie. I understand, and I'm sure you are quite busy! No worries! :)

Everything is gone already, I sold my breeding line, a friend bought them all, she knew what I had was a good line, and what didn't sell of the brokens was processed on Tuesday. The only thing I have left is 2 litters that were to small to process, and didn't sell. One NZ, and one of the broken litters. It's unreal, I priced them at $5 each, hoping to move them now so I wouldn't have to stick alot of feed into them, and I still can't sell them! They are very nice meat rabbits, and at $5 a piece, that's giving them away. I'd like to at least recoup my feed cost for what they've eaten so far, and for what I put into their moms.

I won't lie, it was a very hard decision to make, and on Tuesday when we were processing the brokens, I had a really hard time with it, it was difficult to do. The ones we processed looked so good! So my spotted line was heading in the right direction. They were nicely muscled, meaty, and nice big rabbits.

It was time to let it go. We spend time on our one day off cleaning pans, and playing catch up, so this frees up quite a bit of time that we can just spend together doing other things besides work. It will help reduce the electric costs too, without having the exhaust fan running all day in the rabbitry, the ceiling fans, and the heater/air conditioning as needed throughout the year. There's so much overhead at the restaurant, it can't hurt to reduce the costs at home. It will be fine! I still have the ponies, and the kitties, so I still have pets to hug on, and love on. :)

I took a look at the website! Looks great! I was hoping to see some pictures of her place too, so let me know if he adds any........would love to check it out!

We finished the log siding on our place this spring, and it was finally stained in September! It all looks so different! We celebrated our 1 year anniversary on Nov 9th too!

Here's the before and after for you. Looks so different!! We're just waiting on our official building sign yet, and it will be complete.


BEAUTIFUL!!! Wow! You are right; what a change - and for the better! (I am a former Wisconsinite who grew up in a home with gorgeous log siding) It just looks NICE. :)