Two nests???? Advice please!

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Active member
Aug 19, 2013
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Hi everyone,
My doe is now 32 days with her second litter which has been a bit different as she bled at 23 days and made a nest at 24 days and then pulled more fur at 30 days (see my other post). Now I have just checked on her and she has completely rearranged the "outdoor" area of her hutch. She had built the first nest in the "indoor" compartment and that nest is still there,perfectly built with lots of fur. It now appears she is building another nest outside?! She has pushed aside her litter box and piled up a huge mound of hay and shredded paper (which she has taken from inside her litter box!). My question is, what do I do should she actually kindle viable kits in the outdoor nest she appears to be making? It seems she has abandoned the first nest. Can this happen? I would prefer her kits were in the "indoor" part of the hutch but If she does birth them outdoors, would she abandon them if they were moved? Or, should I take away the first nest and hope she will make a new one indoors? Please offer any advice as I would rather be prepared for all situations!! Much appreciated!!
If the weather is not going to be bad for young kits (somewhat warm temps, no rain, etc...) then you can wait till she kindles and move the kits. I usually like to try to let them feed once especially if they don't have a lot of experience and then move them. If the weather is not ideal the kits will die out in the open. The 2nd nest should be removed or merged with the other in the hope she will go back to using the enclosed portion.

It's a good idea to have a specific, removable (or at least blocked off when not in use) nestbox you can train them to use. They won't always reliably use an enclosed section that is always there but they recognize a nest box that goes in for kindling. Sometimes you have to move the kits to the box a couple times before they realize that's the safest place for kits. Most will not fail to use a box after that.
Thank you so much! The first nest she built is in a plastic nest box so I guess I could move that and add the outdoor nest to it? It's just there won't be that much room in her outdoor part for the nest and her litter box. As its winter here, her hutch is indoors so there is no chance of chills!! Should I move the second nest now or wait and see if she even kindles? She really has been a puzzle this time and yesterday I thought perhaps she was no longer even pregnant after the bleeding and then she goes and does this!
if she's built up a huge mound, leave her be. the kits will be just fine...even if they get rained on (as long as she's built the nest well). I had a doe do this in the winter and all five holland lop kits were hale and hearty. :)

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