Just went outside to get my Jersey Wooley doe who has babies 18 days old out of her exercise run and she has been badly bitten I think by my other rabbit who is in the run next door. She must have stuck her nose through the wire. It looks like a horizontal cut almost 1/2 of an inch across - and the skin is completely not touching. Its 7:00 at night and I feel like I'm going to have to just bite the bullet and take her to the vet— looks like $200 dollars down the drain but I don't think its a job for super glue, looks like it really needs to be stitched. Lulu has been in the run next to the other rabbit many times and never been bitten so I didn't think there was any real danger- I'm surprised by the how bad the bite looks- almost bit off half her whisker pad. If I take her to the vet then I guess her babies won't get fed for close to 20 hours if they have to sedate her for stitches. Damn! <br /><br />__________ Wed Oct 16, 2013 2:48 am __________<br /><br />Well, its a couple of hours later and I've already been to the emergency vet and just got back home. I was lucky to get my favorite vet who is pretty good with rabbits and surgery. I could have gotten the burly vet who mostly works on cattle and big animals and would rather put a rabbit to sleep than treat it. But I got the more gay vet who really likes bunnies. It was really kind of cool- he used a small staple gun to stitch her lip together- it looked like a small stapler- I held her and he stapled it together with two staples and Lulu didn't even jump or flench, it was over in seconds. My gay vet is awesome!