treatment of eye wound

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Well-known member
Aug 16, 2011
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not a question per se, but i had a bit of an experience while my computer wasn't letting me on this site, and I decided i'd share with you what i learned...
I had an almost-ready-to-be-weaned litter of 8 in a 24 by 36 cage with their mom, and i don't know if they got too crowded or started to fight, but one day i walked in and saw one of the kits had a weepy eye and wouldn't open it. when I pulled it out for inspection, i saw that its eye was bleeding. some unhappy bunny had raked a deep scratch straight across the cornea of this kit, from upper eyelid to lower. it was an extensive injury and I didn't know how long it had been there (though I assume less than 24 hours, since I'm fairly confident I would have noticed at feeding the day prior). it was oozing blood as well as weeping both clear and white discharge. I took the rabbit inside and rinsed its eye with contact lens solution, then headed to TSC to see what i could find. I ended up getting Betadine and Vetericyn Eye Wash (not an antibiotic, but it is anti-bacterial). I sterilized a pipette and a small jar each night, filled it with contact solution and then added a few drops of betadine (went for a light amber color, like honey), used this to rinse the kits eye. Then i would flush it liberally with the Vetericyn. did it twice a day for the first few days, then once a day for a week. honestly, the eye looked awful even a week later, but some of the cloudiness did start to dissapear. after i stopped treating it healed the rest of the way on its own, and there is still a cloudy mark where the scratch was deepest, but the rabbit seems to have most of its eye-sight in that eye. obviously this animal is no longer showable, but its perfectly breedable...
thought maybe someone could learn from this. how do ya'll treat eye injuries?
I actually just had an irritated eye here last week! I had pus discharging and insane swelling. I cleaned it well in 2 stages (one just on the outside, the other more invasive). On the second cleaning I found 2 pieces of hay deep in her eye, but no obviously evident sign of an injury. I cleaned out as much of the pus as I could, flushed the eye with saline solution, and applied some medicated ointment I had left over from one of the cats' eye injury. I applied the ointment a few more times, but otherwise just let her be and kept an eye on things. It only took a few days to clear up most of the way. She's still had some weeping going on, but no pus, so I figure she's got some scratches. At this point, I'm just letting her be to heal on her own.