Totally exhausted!

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Well-known member
Mar 9, 2011
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I have to give kudos to my husband after the week we've had! Our very dramatic assistant cook with a very bad attitude decided to walk out last weekend, because he didn't like working with our other assistant cook, and left us high and dry. Since our second assistant can work only very limited hours, and none that are during our busy times, I told hubby all ya got is me. So I've been working in the kitchen with him all week, aside from doing my normal duties.

We've been fine all week, until yesterday. See, there's your line cook, that takes care of all your regular customers, and then when you have a special event for a large group of people, you need a banquet cook to take care of those duties. Well, since our second cook wasn't available, my husband put on both chefs hats last night. If I'm being honest, it was a night from H**L last night! I had previously done some advertising in the paper about our Sunday chicken dinner, and our regular radio adds had been switched to the same topic. We were so busy with regular customers last night, and to add the banquet on top of everything, the hiccups that you run into along the way with that, and the straggler folks that came in for pizza (which we make fresh to order) literally was one tough night!

My husband is such a pro though, and did it all, even without throwing to many things, and shouting out to many cuss words! :lol: I honestly don't know how he does it! :bow: I do the best I can for him, but when it's not your normal duties, it's not the same thing as having a skilled assistant with you to help.

Hoping we find a replacement soon, but until then, I can guarantee two things........1. We won't be taking on any more banquets until then! and 2. It's our day off today, and I'm not moving my big butt off this couch the rest of the day! :shock: :lol:
Thank you, Maggie! :D I agree with you! We have a big group of 20 of our elderly customers coming in Tuesday morning, but they'll be ordering off the menu, and it will go fairly quickly. They are such sweet's always nice having them! The bonus is I get lots of great hugs! Such sweet people!
Thanks Miss M! :D

We actually hired a woman to fill the position, and she was supposed to start yesterday to get familiarized with our kitchen, so she'd know what to do for Friday night. She never showed for her shift! Really?!! :x