If quail are big enough to eat, then so are dwarf rabbits and bantam chickens.
I breed dwarf rex for meat. One per 3-5 servings pot of stew or whatever. Happy with size for handling, in relation to cage size, fits the pot & freezer. I hope to keep raising at least some of my own meat for decades yet, but not getting any younger i want a size that will work for me well into old age. Along with that, smaller means one multi servings pot (hot pack the rest for eating the days after) and no worries about freezers out of power, breaking or needing to buy extras (not that much room, so rather put stuff in my little freezer i cannot store otherwise). But i'm also not a fan of the imitate big producers on a homestead scale way of doing things. I rather pick smaller breeds and plenty of genetic variety to start, closing the rabbitry so i can stop buying rabbits for fresh genetics mostly at some point fairly soon (laws are changing here, not sure about the impact on rabbit keeping/breeding yet though), keeps disease out and the animals are selected to handle my setup. Using spiral mating system to keep genetics as wide as i can. Need another doe line for that though i suspect. (have 3 now).