to get or not to get advice needed

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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2014
Reaction score
North Dakota
advise needed, to get or not to get?? I am going to be breeding Harlequins hopefully starting June. I have two 8mont old does. I am moving to ND in 2 weeks. once I get there an almost 7 month old buck and 6week old buck and doe will get there about the same time from Wisconsin. My brother in law has been teasing me ever since he heard I am going to breed rabbits that he plans on eating some of them. The great thing about Harlequins is they are an all purpose breed. And I want to use them for all purposes. But since I have no clue how many kits on average they will have. no clue what kind of interest they will cause in ND. I would eventually like to breed two different breeds. The 2nd one will definitely have to be one the rare rabbits/livestock conservancy list. well someone selling silver fox rabbits just posted on Craigslist. $15 for does $10 for bucks. I think my brother-in-law would find in absolutely hilarious if i gave him a silver fox doe as a gift. And he could breed her to my 7month old buck and get all the meat rabbits he could want. I could definitely use the expert opinions of this board. Should I or shouldn't I get one.
I'd be suspicious of the purity of $15 Silver Fox. They might just be black rabbits with a lot of stray white hairs or a black rabbit with the silver genes but lacking the proper coat texture or length or production qualities or thriftyness or temperament that make Silver Fox unique and highly desirable by small meat farmers.

IMHO what's the point of preserving a colour if the other traits are lost :shrug:

Of course they might just be a perfect Silver Fox and you hit the jackpot :)
unfortunately they didn't post any pictures of the silver fox. it's a meat production farm. They also have californian, white and red new zealands for sale for the same price. he has 6 litters total for sale.
decided not to get silver fox doe. I had to fight my rabbitosis several times now.. this was I think the third time. The first was a black and white dutch buck, the 2nd a blue mini lop doe. My dreams are bigger than my means. going to be moving in 2 weeks. so getting a third rabbit right now would be a bad idea. plus i will have three harli's possibly waiting for me when i get to where I am going, that or they will arrive shortly after.