Thoughts on keeping/housing to littermates together?

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Housing brothers together or housing brother and sister together?-or altering a rabbit?

  • brothers

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • brother and sister

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • no

    Votes: 1 50.0%

  • Total voters


New member
Oct 8, 2013
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Hello all. I am new to the rabbit world, and I am bringing home a Holland Lop for my daughter this christmas. I have been thinking about bringing home one of her litter mates. I only have one cage at the moment that is about 3 feet long, so I would be housing them together. Obviously I know this means I would have to alter them. Do you think two brothers would be okay if they were altered, or a brother and a sister do better? I am on the fence with this as I have heard bad and good things about altering. So I would love to hear everyones personal thoughts, opinions and experiences. Thank you :)
Nobody can say which of the 2 will work out better, you only find out after you tried bonding them.
BUT the odds are against 2 males, though i think they will be okay if both are neutered and have a docile personality.
Then again, a male and female combination almost always succeeds. So if you neuter the buck and take the sister, they will be good.

You only have a worry if you go for 2 brothers, so best choice would be brother x sister. But if you prefer the brothers, go ahead :)

There are plenty of bonded mails or even multiple males with 1 or none female around. It really depends on their personality!
You have to match their personalities, 1 dominant and the other has to be submissive/calm to make them get along.
I have been hearing that usually male and female pairs work better, but it does all depend on the rabbit. I will deffinitly be keeping in touch with my breeder to see how they all get along, if worse comes to worse i could always get another cage and seperate them, im just worried if they were to get into a fight or something when i wasnt home, my gut instinct though tells me that it will be okay to bring home two! I just wanted others thoughts. thank you for answering :) :)
There are always signs if they don't get along well. If you know a little about their body language and behaviour, you would know when to worry and predict a upcoming fight. They don't fight randomly, there has to be reason.
I have two does from the same litter that get along great .... so far. They are just at breeding age so I don't know if this will last or not.
I have had brothers that lived together up to several years but it seems most ends up having to live alone. Usually they get along fine if they are well fed. If hungry they get pretty nasty.