Thinking of getting more Satins and not getting Americans

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Thank you all for this information. I think I will look to get some brokens from the Breeder then start looking in the future for a siamese buck. The siamese are more for my own pleasure than show. Looks like it may have been easier to stick to starting into Americans. :lol:
Demamma":66pl1ryr said:
The Breeder asked me what color of Satin's I wanted and I said I don't know pick me some nice ones. So I will be getting surprise Satins. What fun. I worked most the day outside and am exhausted. Tomorrow I will be hanging another tarp and setting up fans. Should I just have the fans circulate air or let them blow on the rabbits? I moved them from under a tree where there was a nice breeze to the carport where it is more sheltered but hotter. It sprinkled a little the other day so wanted to get them under cover. I will have their ice bottles in with them Tomorrow as I noticed they were hot today.

I noticed no one answered your question, lol to busy with the rabbits. It is not advisable to have the fans blow directly on the rabbits, just set them up for best circulation possible. :)
Thank you Jolly good to know. We got caught up in all the satin talk and breezed right over fans. :twilightzone:
Demamma":gv9ftq3b said:
Thank you all for this information. I think I will look to get some brokens from the Breeder then start looking in the future for a siamese buck. The siamese are more for my own pleasure than show. Looks like it may have been easier to stick to starting into Americans. :lol:

The NASS (National All Satin Show) will be held in Reno, NV in early May 2013, and that would be an ideal time to get to see great rabbits in just about any variety of satin you may wish to name. It would also be a great time to pick up a Siamese buck. Not really sure how far Reno is from where you live, but it's much closer than driving all the way across the country to look at whatever few may be available.

And on the subject of fans, about the only rabbits who benefit from fans blowing on them on a hot day are the ones who most directly benefit from it. The rest of the bunnies in the barn are hating life when they don't get the circulation they need to relieve them from summer heat. I like to run mine at floor level because that is where the cooler air in the barn tends to be in the first place. Keep that air moving and the overall temperature in the facility is going to lower a few degrees.
Reno in May... I could do that. My Mom lives in Hawthorne. I think I will pencil it in and see if I can afford it. I just will have to find out how to get away from all the kids. Running and hiding might work. :p

My Rabbits are set up in a car port. for now i have one side with tarps to keep nosey neighbors away. The rabbits on the side without tarps have cardboard on the top and side of the cage to avoid the morning sun. In the afternoons I take it down for better air flow. I don't know if a fan would do enough to circulate the air in a open area. I was thinking that next summer set up mister with a fan behind it for a cooling effect. By then I am hoping to have lattice up all around the carport and plants started growing.
All you need fans to do is curculate air. If you have two or more rows of cages, arrange the fans at floor level so that they are set to blow in opposite directions (one blowing east the other west, etc.). That will ensure proper circulation throughout the area. Also, remember to pull the grates off the front and back of the fans and clean the grates, blades, and most importantly the motor of any dust, hair, dander, and debris a couple of times per month. Vacuuming them is a sensible step, as well. It sounds like alot of work, but it's really not, and it will make all the difference in the world in maximizing how much airflow the fans will be able to generate while preventing a very real fire hazard and extending the life of the fans. A properly cleaned fan running on medium speed will generate more airflow than a fan which has not been cleaned properly and is running on its highest setting.
Thank you Satinsrule I never knew about fan maintenance. I think I will go and take care of all my fans next week as I never done anything with them.

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