The start of Rabbit Syphilis?

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Mar 15, 2016
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I might be completely overacting and neurotic but I figured I should check here before I just ignored it. My little bun Cocoa has the small weird growth/swollen/pink bump on the right side of her mouth. I noticed it last week and didn't think much of it. I think it's grown a little bit since I first noticed it but nothing drastic. I only became concerned when she stopped taking her grape treats. Almost like she wants them badly but she's hesitant to take them because it hurts? Does this look like rabbit syphilis to anyone or maybe just an irritated spot that will clear itself up? Thanks so much!


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Could be, or could be something else as well. Keep doing what you are doing and watch it close:) If it's been a week since you have noticed the bump I am guessing you would be seeing lesions or scabs or see it spreading if it was syphillis by now:)
Oh thank goodness! Thank you so much for your reply macksmom98. You've put my mind at ease but I will definitely keep my eye on it :D
I don't at all claim to be an expert but I have read a lot on the subject lately, hopefully you will get some other comments on it as well:)
Heritage, yes in the picture it does look like there was. I checked this morning though and it looked dry. It seems like whenever I have to pick her up she gets upset and her nose starts running. She was sneezing a lot last week but it has calmed down this week and I've only heard her sneeze a few times.

Random Rabbit, sadly she isn't around any other bunnies. It's just her in the house. She's free range so who knows what she could have bitten when I was gone. She's usually really good though and only occasionally rips up the rug.

I checked her again this morning and from straight on you can't really see it. I can really notice it when she's eating. She surprisingly let me touch the side of her mouth this morning and pull it back some to reveal it's much bigger in her mouth than the surface image appears.

Thank you so much everyone for taking the time to look at this and comment!!
Could also be a bug or ant bite? Shes probably licking it a lot which would also account for the hair loss right there around the mouth....
Maybe MacksMom98. I hope it's something little like that and not syphilis!
procaine Pen G sub Q ,kills syphilis, --especially - if you notice any other sores, or little bumps around the mouth, or genitals , -- always use a probiotic [like benebac] with antibiotics...

this site recommends 3x/day IM injection, I have had very good success with 2 x / day sub Q injections, [sub Q is a lot safer, and less traumatic for the rabbit, especially for people who don't have a lot of experience giving injections.]

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