Although my plans are to breed Silver Foxes, I picked up a trio of meat mutts this past weekend to work with and get a bit of experience under my belt before my young SFs arrive. I was paying very close attention their eating, drinking and elimination as I was concerned about the stress of transport, food change and the heat/humidity and quickly realized that my one doe had poop unlike the others. She is the youngest (10 weeks or so), was actually the first of the three to settle in nicely, ate and drank really well. The size of her fecals are two to three times the size of my buck's who is considerably larger and many are oval. On to Google I go and...
Yeah, I'm 100% certain this girl has Mega Colon Syndrome. She not only has poops that sometimes can't even fall into the tray, has an incredible appetite (although I was free feeding her regardless due to her age and assumed as a grow out, she'd eat more) but low and behold, she has the patterns that are apparently classic for those that carry these genes. Since I was so focused on the Silver Fox breed, I know pretty much nothing about color patterns and the genetics that are involved with them and I actually picked her out of the litter.
Besides a very hearty appetite for her 17% pellets, hay and a couple of small romaine leaves a day, her poops are the only sign that I can see being an issue at the moment. She's actually quite sweet, comes up to me when I approach and looks to be quite relaxed and content without signs of pain or any GI stasis.
So...what do I do now? I had hoped to breed her in the fall, that's pretty much out of the question now I'm assuming. I had planned to dispatch these three rabbits and any offspring from them produced by end of year to focus 100% on the silver foxes anyway so should I just look to replace her now and mercy dispatch? My head is telling me that's the correct answer but admit I'm holding onto a little hope I can keep with my original plans for this 'practice' trio. (The other doe is older, told proven and bred so will see if I get a litter next week.) If, on the off chance, I could still try with her knowing she's not staying in my program past this year, any recommended foods to add to assist her?

Editing to add a comparison picture between this does and my buck's poop:

Side note: These pics are from my very temporary set up on my covered patio which is cooler, shaded and has box fan off to the side. My Bass 36x30 stacking cages were ordered 2 1/2 weeks ago, my building (two 3x3 windows on the back side as well) was just delivered this week which I'm fully insulating, installing electric, a shuttered exhaust ventilation fan, linoleum flooring and am contemplating AC. I am hoping to have that all up and running within a month.
Yeah, I'm 100% certain this girl has Mega Colon Syndrome. She not only has poops that sometimes can't even fall into the tray, has an incredible appetite (although I was free feeding her regardless due to her age and assumed as a grow out, she'd eat more) but low and behold, she has the patterns that are apparently classic for those that carry these genes. Since I was so focused on the Silver Fox breed, I know pretty much nothing about color patterns and the genetics that are involved with them and I actually picked her out of the litter.

Besides a very hearty appetite for her 17% pellets, hay and a couple of small romaine leaves a day, her poops are the only sign that I can see being an issue at the moment. She's actually quite sweet, comes up to me when I approach and looks to be quite relaxed and content without signs of pain or any GI stasis.
So...what do I do now? I had hoped to breed her in the fall, that's pretty much out of the question now I'm assuming. I had planned to dispatch these three rabbits and any offspring from them produced by end of year to focus 100% on the silver foxes anyway so should I just look to replace her now and mercy dispatch? My head is telling me that's the correct answer but admit I'm holding onto a little hope I can keep with my original plans for this 'practice' trio. (The other doe is older, told proven and bred so will see if I get a litter next week.) If, on the off chance, I could still try with her knowing she's not staying in my program past this year, any recommended foods to add to assist her?

Editing to add a comparison picture between this does and my buck's poop:

Side note: These pics are from my very temporary set up on my covered patio which is cooler, shaded and has box fan off to the side. My Bass 36x30 stacking cages were ordered 2 1/2 weeks ago, my building (two 3x3 windows on the back side as well) was just delivered this week which I'm fully insulating, installing electric, a shuttered exhaust ventilation fan, linoleum flooring and am contemplating AC. I am hoping to have that all up and running within a month.
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