Apologizing in advance for the lengthy post and cross posting in other groups! We are stumped and at our wits end with recent sudden deaths in our rabbitry due to GI stasis. Since early October we have had several of our rabbits stop eating and die 1-3 days later. No other symptoms - no diarrhea or coughing or mucous or anything! We were feeding Hineholds feed and free choice grassy hay. Nothing in our husbandry changed. No new rabbits were brought into the barn. When we open up the rabbits we find no abnormal looking organs. No sign of coccidian. A few had some pale livers, but no cysts or anything else. Stomachs were full of feed and intestines with air and formed stool. I should say that we have about 100 breeding age rabbits (or had). Breeds are NZW, Cal, SF, and crosses of these 3. All new rabbits are kept in a completely separate barn for quarantine and have been there since the start of this mess. The quarantine rabbits do not have any deaths to date. Dead rabbits are not in adjoining cages or even close to each other. It is very sporadic. Some are young breeding stock and others are very old stock. It seems everything in between has not been affected. As soon as this started, we stopped production. Kits have not been dying...
Late October we switched feed thinking that this had to be the problem. We had absolutely no deaths after that until last week. We began breeding again the second week of November. 3 more rabbits with the exact same symptoms and death. Again same necropsy results. I am so frustrated!! Any advice? Suggestions? I have been raising rabbits for over 20 years and have never had an unknown death until this fall. It is devastating our herd and we are beginning to question if we should throw in the towel
Late October we switched feed thinking that this had to be the problem. We had absolutely no deaths after that until last week. We began breeding again the second week of November. 3 more rabbits with the exact same symptoms and death. Again same necropsy results. I am so frustrated!! Any advice? Suggestions? I have been raising rabbits for over 20 years and have never had an unknown death until this fall. It is devastating our herd and we are beginning to question if we should throw in the towel