Sterility in Bucks

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My HL buck (this yr is the first time I had him) bred in August, and my doe was due on the 19th but due to some stress on the doe she had them a week premature. 3 kits. :cry: But I guess that proves he didn't go sterile!

My DT doe is due on Thursday, (I've had the DT buck for over a year) and it seems like he may have had a problem last year....although I did have a litter in July seems like from everyone else it kicks in around August. I'll keep you guys updated on whether or not he worked the magic. :mrgreen:
Well, two of the does I had bred back are pulling fur. It's day 18 and 17 for them...I bred one of them back today and she lifted and got 4 good fall offs. This is the third time I have bred these does since the middle of August. One of them I even bred to both my main and backup bucks as she has rex fur so it would be easy to tell who sired the kids.

Maybe I'm better at palpating than I thought...I didn't feel anything :lol:

So, over the next few days, I'm throwing everyone to the buck again. This is getting old fast. The last bunch of kits I had was born around July 1st.

Someone needs to invent a bunny ball cooler... :mrgreen:
I bred two does to two bucks last month & didn't really expect to get kits .... Its STILL HOT here , highs of ~90 with lows of ~68.

My older buck was bred to a lilac doe .... Gave me 3 kits , she usually has 8-10.

My younger buck bred to a blue doe .... gave me no kits , she did build a nest but hasn't pulled fur , now on day 34. She looked , acted and felt pregnant .... I tried to breed her back , she wouldn't lift just wasn't interested.

Just thought it was odd that the older buck was the one to produce a litter when heat usually affects older bucks worse than younger ones ....

Bred two more does Friday , one to each buck ....

I'm really considering building them an air conditioned barn so I can breed year round rather than getting nothing from June until November.
Ramjet have you had any luck getting kits?

Looks like mine all missed again. I was sure one doe was bred but she was due on the 6th. I have 3 due later this month so I still have my fingers crossed.
I have a litter of three that are 4 weeks old out of my older buck from a doe who usually has 8+.

Everyone else has missed multiple times.

I have one due to deliver tomorrow - Don't think she's pregnant. Gave her a nest box and she just sat in it .... and used it as a litter box.

Another due the 16th , think she missed too. Rebred her on 11-3 with 3 fall off's .

Two more due Dec 4.

Getting pretty frustrated. I'm at least a month behind from last year.
alforddm":cexcf64h said:
Ramjet":cexcf64h said:
Getting pretty frustrated. I'm at least a month behind from last year.

Yeah me too. I had just gotten my rabbits last year and had my first litter on Nov 8th.

I thought last year was bad .... my first litters being born in early November and everything going like clockwork from then on.

I did have the one litter of 3 born 10-1.

With that buck producing a litter , and all the other does I've bred him with have been first timers , I think that is part of my problem. They haven't been particularly cooperative even tho there have been multiple fall offs from each. One born last Feb , the other April - They should be ready ....

The other buck has been bred to does who have produced well in the past. It's pretty apparent he was affected by the heat.

So much for rabbits multiplying like rabbits .....

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