Sprouted Grains with Adzuki beans…

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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2012
Reaction score
coastal southeast North Carolina
I’ve been sprouting a mixture of wheat, oats, BOSS, lentils with a sprinkling of flaxseed and the rabbits have been gobbling it up. Then, I added adzuki beans thinking they would be a good protein source and since humans can eat them raw/sprouted why not rabbits? Right? Wrong! The adults didn’t show any major problems other than they didn’t eat all their sprouts (an indication that something was wrong) and a bit off their feed for a day. The bunnies in the grow-out pen – 6 & 7 weeks old – ate all their sprouts but then one got poopy butt and they all were off their feed for the next 24 hours. I did leave the poopy butt one with the others since it was eating pellets but not as much – but then, the others were also not eating their usual quantities. Fortunately, they are all back on their feed with their usual gusto after 24 hours.

So, lesson here is – sprouted adzuki beans are not rabbit friendly! My chickens love them but I’ll have to sprout them separately for them if at all.