Spinning Supplies

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Well-known member
Jul 30, 2012
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Who do you buy your spinning supplies from? Care to share?

I am looking at purchasing from http://www.woolery.com
They seem to have a good selection of everything and prices are comparable and even better than ebay.
Figure I'm gonna buy a spindle and a pound of wool tomorrow.

I am thinking of something easy to spin in the 3 to 5 inch range. Figure that will be a good start towards spinning the angora I produce. :)

I also plan to make a navajo spindle because they are really cool looking. I read that if you get a large wooden craft wheel with the hole already drilled in the middle and find the right size dowel to fit the hole, you can easily make a spindle. I just need to then finish the ends of the dowel after cutting it to length. I cant imagine it would be that hard to taper and sand the ends. :?
I don't spin, but many of my friends in the Society for Creative Anachronism do. Go to http://www.sca.org and you can find a group near you. Since the society recreates medieval skills, they should be able to either lead you to good local suppliers or possibly even make stuff for you inexpensively. Several of my friends do recommend that woolery site though.
I am getting a pound of fleece and a spindle for $28.00 plus like $8.00 shipping. I don't mind the price for the product but I always hate paying the shipping cost on stuff. And then waiting for it to show up here as well.<br /><br />__________ Mon Dec 31, 2012 12:15 am __________<br /><br />Oh and thank you for the link. I will check it out tomorrow. Funny thing how people so far away from me can help me find what I need locally. Thank you so much for your help. I would never be able to take on this venture without the advice and support I find here.
I mean Wool Rabbits!!!! This is Huge!!!!!

So thanks RT. I can't believe I'm actually going to have wool rabbits. This is about too exciting to sleep.
One of my favorite sources is dettasspindle.net. Detta, the owner is the most experienced person I have ever met! Her site is very bare bones, but give her a call, and she'll help you out. I also like paradisefibers.com, their selection and price is really good. My FAVORITE drop spindles are from www.spinningbunny.com. Her husband Jim makes amazing drop spindles. I just gave mine away to a 12 year old or I would send it to you. Susan over there is also an amazing source of info, and her fiber is great, super soft and lovely colors.

I recommend starting with Romney or Shetland, Corriedale is also a good beginning fiber. There is a good company in WI I'll look up too, I am spinning their coopworth roving is not too expensive and super easy to spin. Lovely stuff.

I don't drop spindle much, I use wheels, though I do know how. I own several wheels, they tend to multiply ;). Try Ravelry.com for a ton of info..
So far I made one, and bought one on eBay. I would like to go somewhere at some point, and try out the different spindles. I need to test the weight of each, haven't got one yet heavy enough to spin this wool. if I wasn't spending $110 a month to feed rabbits, I could afford a new wheel.
Seriously. I was up till 2 in the morning and then dreamed about rabbits and spinning. lol

I will check out those places. I don't really want to make my drop spindle because I want to know that its not the spindles fault if I am doing a terrible job. ;)

I will keep an eye out for a wheel but not sure I can afford one if the price on new is any indication. Then you never know when you may come across a deal.
Here is my drop spindle and wool. I'm guessing the wool is too heavy for this one, even though I added more weight on the bottom.


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Um Sky, Is there supposed to be a picture with that statement? lol

So If I were to order wool should I start out with roving or card my own? I can get Shetland, Corriedale, and Romney all for $17 or less for a pound uncarded. Or I can get a mix wool roving that is $13 a pound. Which would you order?

And I have enough for a kick wheel but not sure if I should spend that right now. I think its really neat how they work.
This is the one I want....

tm_bunnyloft":2fz905kb said:
Um Sky, Is there supposed to be a picture with that statement? lol

So If I were to order wool should I start out with roving or card my own? I can get Shetland, Corriedale, and Romney all for $17 or less for a pound uncarded. Or I can get a mix wool roving that is $13 a pound. Which would you order?

And I have enough for a kick wheel but not sure if I should spend that right now. I think its really neat how they work.
This is the one I want....


Ok, now. The original pict showed more leg than I cared to, so i had to crop it :eek:
My homemade kick spindle<br /><br />__________ Mon Dec 31, 2012 6:44 pm __________<br /><br />I have no idea about the wool, I get this stuff for free. I will call and ask her what type of sheep she has. What I can say is this fiber is long, at least 4 inches, and it's not carded. Not all of it is washed yet either, just a bag full so far.


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Nice job on the kick spindle. I do not have the tools to make anything here these days. Bummer for me.

Is it carded enough so that it is pulling out thin? I watched a video yesterday that said heavier more crimped wools didn't need as much twist, and the yarn shouldn't twist up on itself if you put slack in it. That angora and finer fiber needed more twist. But I have no Idea what I'm talking about so maybe someone else will know whats up...

The woman with the English Angoras FB'd me that she will be getting pics in the next day or so of the kits now that their eyes are opened up. Yay!!! I told her I would like a buck and a doe or two does. I do not want more than one buck. So hoping that there are a couple does and a buck in the litter of four. They are all REW from what I understand so that means I don't have to decide on color. I am also gonna check out the youth show here at the end of the month and see if there are any for sale then as well. A buck or another doe that is not related to the original two. :)

Now back to deciding on my order...... Pre carded or raw wool..... Hmmmmm ???????
I hand card what I needed at the time, what I have left won't be carded or washed super clean. I do like to spin withe some grease on it.
I have bought from woolery before and talked to the lady on the phone. SHe was nice and I have no complaints.
Do NOT wash angora rabbit fiber before spinning. Carding should be minimal or none.
Well I wash it when I need it, I don't wash the entire batch I have now, I really don't have anywhere to wash that much wool at one time. There is no way I'm putting all of that wool in my wash machine, and I can't dry it anywhere they dogs won't get it, so I wash small bagfuls at a time. But I don't wash it till it's completely free of the lanolin, it's called spinning in the grease. Not dirty but still with a bit of oil.
It's easiest to start with roving. Raw is cheaper, but you lose weight (15-40%) in washing and removing lanolin. I occasionally buy a fleece, but I have found I HATE to hand process, I do love to dye, but hand processing is smelly, time consuming, and irritates my carpal tunnel. That's one thing I like about Angoras, no processing. Now, there are others, to whom, the processing is part of the fun. My hat is off to them ;). I on the other hand have 6 bags of alpaca or wool sitting in the garage waiting for me to send it to a mill.
Processing is a bit of a pain, which is why I don't do the entire bag, but it's free so I don't ask for much. Would be nice to find a mill, but I did not want to pay the expense until I was sure I would really spin it.
Oceanrose":srrpp5dd said:
Small batches are easier :). And free is always awesome!!

I looked at some prices, $25 per lb!!! I guess I'll be washing and carding myself.