Somehow I ended up with 3 pigs

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Well-known member
Aug 20, 2010
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I have no idea how to raise pigs!

Here's the story.... We decided in the spring to raise laying pullets from chicks. Pre orders were $10 each, 50% deposit. This one woman wanted to order some but kept going back and forth on whether she wanted them. She wanted around 30. We went ahead and ordered 100 chicks expecting her to be purchasing a large number. Then she changed her mind. Great. So we sold off some of the young chicks and got other orders. Then she changed her mind and decided she wanted 45. We talked and discovered that she raises Silver Foxes and as part of the deal, she'd give us a trio for a reduced price on the pullets.

Fast forward through a lot of mind changing from her.. .months of it.... MONTHS of it!

She came today to get her chickens and deliver a trio of 3 month old does. Last night, she txt's me, "Do you want some piglets?" She had three Ossabaw/Tamworth mixed piglets they wanted to unload for $85/ea. Lots of txts and emails later and we can't meet on a price. Fine. No biggie for me. We don't need piglets.

More drama this morning - truck issues, trailer issues (all understandable but adding to the straw on the camel's back) - and they finally arrive. The does look great. They are in quarantine. But before they arrived, she is txting me again about the pigs. We told her we could do $150 for the three and that was the best we could do. Now she's asking if we'll take the pigs for the balance they owe us ($155) plus whatever extra pullets we have left. I really had no idea how many pullets we had left above the 45 we owed her. So when they arrived, they had the piglets.

The piglets are now, temporarily, in our brooder stall in the barn. We haven't even cleaned it out from the last run of chicks because we've been using it as a hospital coop for injured chickens. They guys are going to work on putting some wire fencing around the bull pen outside. Greg's out there cleaning out the stuff from the brooder stall so nothing gets damaged - property or pigs!

I have no idea how to raise hogs. I really was not expecting to get pigs today.


That is wonderful, whether you wanted them or not! They look like good sized pigs already- if they are as big as they look, you got a good deal. They will probably love rooting through the chicken bedding- when you clean it out, I'd put it in the new pigpen.

We just fed ours "Sow & Pig" feed, and they turned out very well. If they had been here at my house, I probably would have fed them scraps too, but my friends believe that if they get scraps they don't grow as well or as fast as on straight pig feed. They had a spare barn stall for them, and we don't have a pig yard (yet! :twisted: ), so we raised them all together.
Ham, bacon, roast pork, pork pies with sage and apple... What's not to like?

You might want to look for a buyer for one of the pigs when ready to butcher, depending on how much pork you can use. Selling one should go a long way to paying for the feed they will need.
When's the hog roast? lol. I'm not a big fan of them as animals but hog are really useful and easy meat animals. Personally I would roast one, Butcher one for the freezer and breed a 3rd then you would have more for next year and some to sell off to help with the feed bill.
We have one female and two castrated males. The idea is that one is ours, one is Greg's cousin's, and one is their friend's. We'll see how that goes. I have my doubts about it.
The first set of pigs we got, it was the same thing- one for us, one for them, and one for another friend of theirs. We just rotated buying feed- we'd buy 1-2 bags at first, then 3-4 as they started eating more. They all turned out to weigh about the same.

Then I found another 3 older ones (5 months, maybe?) on CL, and we bought those too, but split them between the two of us. One was a boar, so we each had a sow and half a boar, in addition to the first pig slaughtered that year.

If they don't follow through, you can always sell the extra, or keep it for yourself. Believe me, you are going to want the extra bacon! Even with 2-1/2 pigs in the freezer, we ran out of bacon!
Wow those are some fine looking piglets!!! Their big and healthy looking, I think you did well. The hubba has been wanting to do pigs but we live in the woods on a shale hill with very nosy neighbors, don't think we could hide them well enough. Good luck with them!!
We bought calves with his cousin who said he'd split the feed costs. He bought a few bags of milk replacement and that's it. Of course, he'd come over to hunt all the time but Greg was the one moving the cattle to new pastures, fixing fences, buying salt blocks, watering every day, buying feed, etc. I doubt this will go any differently.
I wouldn't put up with that! Either he forfeits part of his share of the meat or he pays his share of the expenses. After all, you and Greg are doing all the work... The least he could do is pay his share of the expenses. I'd hand him the receipts for the feed costs with his share circled in red.
Pigs are intelligent animals. ONe word of advise. If you are using a pail for there water. They will find away to dump it everytime. If you feed them at the same time every day. THey get to know when you are coming. They love a clean bed. And sleep under there straw. They also do there business in one corner. They love all kinds of scrap from the kitchen .They give a great reward in the end.
A friend of ours made a pig waterer out of a wine barrel and a dog "lixit" valve. It worked great, and rarely needed to be filled.
MamaSheepdog":3fcbvq57 said:
A friend of ours made a pig waterer out of a wine barrel and a dog "lixit" valve. It worked great, and rarely needed to be filled.

A lot of people at pig shows use a length of 3-4 inch PVC pipe with a cap on the bottom and a pig nipple waterer. Most of the pig nipples are desigmed for pressurized water systems but can be adjusted for free flow.