So what's your cure for cabin fever?

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Well-known member
Dec 2, 2012
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What a bad winter its been even here in Georgia. Its been bad. I remember when this would've been normal for Georgia but that was 21 years ago!! My daughter was 2 and the blizzard of '93 hit in March. It was like winter was used up after that. LOL We've had really mild ones since then and have gotten spoiled.
But anyway, we've been having cabin fever here. So I was wondering what do you all do when you have cabin fever?
I've been working on garden stuff like I do every January. Reading, looking stuff up on the computer, transplanting plants. I have a cold frame and DD gave a neat little greenhouse for Christmas. I sit in it on sunny days it gets toasty in there. :D
I picked up some strawberry plants the other day so I'm making a strawberry tower out of 2 liter bottles to plant them in. I'm determined to eat strawberries this year instead of the slugs and pillbugs getting them all. LOL Its actually turning out pretty neat. Now if it will just warm up outside!!! LOL I'm going to bury it under mulch until spring when I'm done building and planting it.
[Sigh] Can't wait for spring! Believe it or not my seedlings I planted in December are still alive despite the temps we've had. I cover them with blankets every night. The coldest night we've had so far was 8 so I was happy they made it.
That's my cabin fever cure, what's yours? :)
I don't usually suffer badly from cabin fever. I probably only leave home about twice a month and that suits me fine. This winter, however, has been especially tough since the ice makes walking unsafe for people like me who need a cane - and sometimes two canes!

I'm diverting myself with reading, writing, planning the 2014 vegetable garden and - since I need a little boost - planning a feast for Groundhog Day. my new entertainment since I got bored with my last online game.

Forums, taking over the entire spore galaxy, viva pinata, books- I'm rereading the redwall series, black jewels series, and I have a few romance novels that were highly rated online loaded on my kindle,

I also make more of these

and these

and working on rebuilding a small indoor herd of netherlands. There are water bottles, pellet dishes, supplement dishes, and hay racks to fill. Cage pans and fleece liners to clean. Picking up after my husband who can't clean or throw away anything. While I was sick he failed to throw away a single food wrapper, wash a single dish, or put out the garbage. I used 25 garbage stickers last week and didn't even put half of it out.
I don't suffer from cabin fever. 1.) You can't go crazy when you live there. I live there. 2.) I just never have been the type of person who cares about getting out of the house. Plenty of stuff for me to do in. Cook, clean, try not to kill the kids, try not to kill the dog, keep stoves stocked with wood, clean, cook, give kids a bath, constantly unthaw water, clean, change poopy diapers. I probably should have put that one in there about as many times or more as cleaning. <br /><br /> __________ Sat Jan 25, 2014 6:34 pm __________ <br /><br /> Also the wife wants to know what those are in the second picture Akane.
Those are baby chinchillas Mystang. Oooohhh they are sooooo cute! Congrats Akane! :)
Mystang- LOLOL
Mossy Nut- :lol: My sister lives in Florida and I used to. Times like this I miss it so my sister like to torture me by saying things like "we had the a/c on today or we haven't turned the heat on yet" Normally in Georgia we get some warm spells in winter but this year is long and cold for everybody, except for you guys on the coastal areas. [Sigh] A nice walk on the beach at sunset watching the birds and the ghost crabs...... yep I got cabin fever! LOL
Akane- Love your babies, all of them, they are so adorable. I'm gonna check out that game later. Never really tried any on line games yet. Being a techno peasant not sure how that'll work. LOL
Maggie- Ooh I know what you mean about that ice! Our front door is on the north side of the house and even when its just wet its like ice. I'm working on fixing that. I worry so much when hubs has to go out there. Its sent me flying a few times.
I'm planning my garden too. Can't wait!!! 34 days until March! :p
AmysMacdog":28lub13q said:
What a bad winter its been even here in Georgia. Its been bad. I remember when this would've been normal for Georgia but that was 21 years ago!! My daughter was 2 and the blizzard of '93 hit in March. It was like winter was used up after that. LOL We've had really mild ones since then and have gotten spoiled.
But anyway, we've been having cabin fever here. So I was wondering what do you all do when you have cabin fever?
I've been working on garden stuff like I do every January. Reading, looking stuff up on the computer, transplanting plants. I have a cold frame and DD gave a neat little greenhouse for Christmas. I sit in it on sunny days it gets toasty in there. :D
I picked up some strawberry plants the other day so I'm making a strawberry tower out of 2 liter bottles to plant them in. I'm determined to eat strawberries this year instead of the slugs and pillbugs getting them all. LOL Its actually turning out pretty neat. Now if it will just warm up outside!!! LOL I'm going to bury it under mulch until spring when I'm done building and planting it.
[Sigh] Can't wait for spring! Believe it or not my seedlings I planted in December are still alive despite the temps we've had. I cover them with blankets every night. The coldest night we've had so far was 8 so I was happy they made it.
That's my cabin fever cure, what's yours? :)

Seed Catalogs
Reading good books
Seed starting if it's late enough
I don't suffer from cabin fever too much. But in those rare times, I'll watch a movie, play a video game or grab my kindle. We have the Roku with a lifetime subscription to Playon and Playlater, so we can watch pretty much anything that's been released for free. (OK, not free, but it's already paid for).

Sometimes, I find a buddy through skype and catch up too.
I like to read, plan projects, and crops, and write to a penpal, the penpal lives in N Georgia, yesterday she had "cabin fever" so went out to lunch, slipped on the ice and broke her wrist, -- she will be 100 this year,-- she is upset about dressing herself with the darn cast. If I am in any kind of shape at all when/ if I reach 100,- I will be suprised. [and-- she is a "fellow" gardener]
Well this is the first time in 12 years I've ever been home in the winter. Usually I have to work, then come home and feed all the animals, so I barely have time to spin or knit.
Now besides the fact that I'm separately low on money, I am enjoying being at home, not having to drive in the snow. You would not know it from RT, but I am dangerously introverted, and being outside my home makes me anxious.
bobqdevon":1wy9qh1e said:
It's Wisconsin. 0F is the new 50F. No cabin fever here, we just go outside.

LOL. Ain't that the truth. If we get to 30F I'll be happy.
Bob :lol:
Even here in Georgia we'll see some snow tomorrow. If I did want something from the grocery store, too late, its gone already. People around here freak out when they say it gonna snow and clean out the grocery stores!
Hope I don't need anything. LOL
People panic over snow here but that's for 2 reasons. It can actually snow or ice storm bad enough to shut everything down for days or even weeks. A couple years back a bad ice storm broke 100s of powerline poles taking out electricity for up to 2 weeks in some areas. The 2nd problem is that there are 2 universities and a major community college in the area with panicky teenagers/young adults. Many of which don't know how to drive in any snow. I haven't actually seen grocery stores run out of much though despite being so busy you can hardly walk through them right before a predicted big storm.
Unlike here, where I just hopped on the atv in -10F rode ~5 miles to the nearest town, went to the fully stocked store, and picked up pizzas to bake, and a few other things... 36" of snow and -20F, nobody cares here. It's great as it's too cold for the heavy slushy snow. Light and fluffy, all winter long.
It would have to be something pretty serious for things to shut down here. The city shut down for Super Storm Sandy. And a week or two ago when the high was -8. So twice in 22 years.
Akane- I remember that ice storm. It made the news here. I hope that doesn't happen again. That was somethin'!
Bob Brrrrrrr that sounds cold! But I'll bet its kind of fun too!
Sky Wow. Twice??? LOL We've already had school delays. There will be kids going home early tomorrow and closings Wednesday, all for a couple of inches of snow. LOL

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