So I was taken for an idiot...again....UGH!!

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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2013
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new england
So I'm kind of embarrassed this happened to me.. :( .... :oops: So Some of You may have see n my Post "Kit countdown" with my FG mixed doe....Well the whole story is this....And Im apologizing ahead of time if it's lengthy or if I come off dumb... So I was desperite to get started with rabbits and wanted a doe I could breed instead of having to wait for something to grow up...I called about 25 breeders etc. in my state and NO ONE had anything of breeding age...only babies..So then I found A FG Breeder who had a couple of papered does of 8 months with tattoos for 85$....I talked to her for a while and she had a 2 yr old "NON Papered FG" And I said that would be fine with me as Im not after showing or anything...Well then she told me she had a few white hairs...I really didnt care...And she offered to have her bred for me..of course I WAS excited and some what desperite...So when I got there, I saw the doe who was already WITH the Buck (and I thought to myself no turning back now eh?) And I noticed she had a white paw and a white back foot and a white spot on her nose...OBVIOUSLY she is mixed :rant: ...not just a few white hairs....and Im thinking to myself...oh well what am I gonna do not....she bred!!!! And of course the expectation of Kits is enough to make anyone (with the right conditions) not get too upset...I asked how much...and she said Oh give me only 65$..... :explode: :2guns: brain almost leaked out of my head...but then again I WAS DESPERITE ....SO I ended up paying 65$ for an old MIXED breed DOE?? :badmood: :pullhair: ...I relectantly handed over the money...( I know your thinking im a dumb fool).....SO today wasthe due date.....No kits yet....which adds insult to injury....BUT on the bright side ...I talked to a WONDERFUL WONDERFUL Dude Named MArty Who has an awesome Newzealand rabbitry in CT and he is offering me a TRIO of RED NewZEALAnds 1 BUck and @ Proven DOES 9 months of AGE for 60$ for all 3...God Bless His heart!!!!!!!!!!!! and tol me If my girl doesnt kindle I could bring her along and have her bred to a HUGE NZ buck he has to match her size,,,,, But Im so aggrivated with that sit. I dont even want to breed her!!!.......

Im sorry for the rant...but I had to let it out...IS it all my fault?? I feel like an idiot
THANK YOU to Whom ever reads this

Acting in desperation never works out too well. :?

But, it is not as bad as it seems- your doe could still kindle. Sometimes they go to day 37. And she is healthy. :)

Plus, now you have found this nice fellow who will (hopefully!) start you out right. :)
LOL thanx ;)...But I have to take all 3..yay!!( i really didnt want THAT many lol) I just feel like I overpaid and was lied too slightly.. ya know, and Then I couldn't turn
Not an idiot at all, just very enthused.

Many does don't kindle on their exact due date, some go a few days late so all hope isn't lost yet. Leave the nestbox in there.

I started with 4 beverens and am down to 1 healthy buck. I have had weird, bad luck with them but I do think part of it is a learning curve. Asking the right questions, being willing to not buy if you are not happy with the rabbit for sale or with the conditions the rabbits are in.

The red NZs sound like a really good deal!
thanks yeah he was really knowledgable and said if anything crazy would happen in the first month he'd replace any of them and he sounded like he spoils them greatly, and said I could call him day or night etc etc...
Don't feel bad. I've had that feeling. I have that feeling. Somedays I think I am that feeling.

:tornado: :treadmill:

Repeat after me: still cheaper than a degree in animal husbandry. At least that's what I keep telling myself... feel a little better I HAD TO blow off some Ive been working 10 hour days for the fast 5 days in a row and taking care of 25 chickens...that dangit rabbit and my seeing that she didnt kindle yet made me start trembling alittle was kind of like the icing on the cake ya know...
Bless your heart! Its happened to all of us at one time or another. Don't beat yourself up over it, just chalk it up to lesson learned.

Let me tell you my FG story. First I answered a local ad in our rabbit poor area and paid 20.00 each for a brother sister pair that was supposed to be purebred but I could tell they were mixed being shaped more like the NZW buck he had there but I didn't mind. Then later I found somebody else who had another pair of sibling bunnies that were very nice looking light grey FG.
So now I had 2 pair light grey FG. The 2nd pair I lost the buck to pneumonia at 6 m/o then bred his sister at 8 m/o then she also developed pneumonia and died with 3 w/o kits with her. She had 3 babies, they survived and somehow never got sick.
Now back to the other pair, because I had bunnies to pick from and they were turning out better than their parents and the parents just weren't right but I couldn't put my finger on why, we butchered the parents and discovered they both had enlarged hearts and we had had some unexplained deaths in some of the kits.
Altogether I'd spent 100.00 on the original 4 and lost them all in a year to illnesses. I think all of it was congenital or pasteurella problems that came with those rabbits.
Now I have meat mutts and a trio of American Blues and an Am. White buck that I'm looking forward to breeding hopefully this fall. It was a bumpy road but now I have good rabbits! :)
I think we all go similar situations.

When I got my first "BEW" the lady failed to mention that he had no pedigree and that he came from some breeder that didn't keep records. I had driven 2 hours for this buck. She also convinced me to take this doe and tried to convince me to take the BEW's son.

I got dooped. The buck had some nasal issue and I just ended up petting him out to a friend of mine who got him neutered. His personality was eh.

The doe turned out sweet after her 1st litter, went to easter photo shoots, and finally also got petted out to a friend.

They were some UGLY Mini Lops. That pair didn't last long. I should of paid attention when she was like "yeah...I don't show much. Those people can be pretty crazy."

Why I ever thought I was buying quality and could breed quality from that pair is beyond me. The distance I drove for them was also a huge factor, but in the end I should of walked away from it.

I later went to a show, picked up a nasty, mean doe from a breeder that bit me on the face....(You can tell I really loved this breed because after all the bad experiences with the breed, I've found the right breeders with Mini Lops with the right temperaments...just took a bit of time) By best stock came to me last Fall.

With experience and a mentor, rabbitry flipped and I got into connection with some great breeders.

Stick with the people that want to help you.

The showroom can be great but also a brutal place. I had the same lady that sold me a horrid doe ,who I was also told to stay away from but didn't listen at the time, was saying outloud while we were showing that I had a rabbit sneezing. I did not. I had one that I saw get some of the pellet/oat mixture up its nose in the morning when I was watering and feeding them, but that was just poor sportmanship. We were both there selling Mini Lops that day... if that what it takes to make a sale for some...
Not an idiot. The heart wants what it wants.

You've learned a lesson and found someone willing to help you. Sounds like a happy ending to me.

*fingers crossed for an even better ending- popples soon*
Peach":1gbqu9co said:
I had the same lady that sold me a horrid doe ,who I was also told to stay away from but didn't listen at the time, was saying outloud while we were showing that I had a rabbit sneezing. I did not. I had one that I saw get some of the pellet/oat mixture up its nose in the morning when I was watering and feeding them, but that was just poor sportmanship. We were both there selling Mini Lops that day... if that what it takes to make a sale for some...

I have to say, if I were deciding between sellers of rabbits, and one made that sort of denigrating comment about the other IN PUBLIC - I'd buy from the other seller. I was at a small livestock swap, and another rabbit seller was interested in my stock (because I was selling nice crosses at meat prices), and she was commenting on how nice they were for crosses - and where did I get the parent stock? When I told her, she immediately lost interest, which by itself would not have meant anything, but she then started "running down" the breeder I got the stock from (who has won legs at shows, and most of the swap patrons had heard of her, but not this lady), how her stock had low growth weights, so-so conformation, etc. And you could tell it was said for the hearing of buyers, and perhaps in the hopes I'd lower my price for her, or ask to buy some of her "superior" stock. I am not in the market for more stock any time soon, but when I am, I am going back to the original lady I bought the first stock from, and the "negative Nellie" breeder can go whistle!
Join the "beginners,hurry-up-quick,I gotta have 'em" club!! :D

Every member on this forum was/is in this group---myself included.

It's a tough learning curve and one I believe we've all experienced.
Hopefully, the gentleman with the NZR's will help you and guide you along
as you begin your 'rabbit-experience'. Listen intently to what he has to offer,
then judge for yourself and follow that 'gut-feeling' you get every once in a while.

It's a general assumption across the country that
rabbit raising is as easy as falling off of a log.
Nothing, absolutely nothing could be further from the truth.
Yes....they are 'easy'....IF you know what you're doing.

Therein lies the problem. Far too many 'rabbit-keepers' take
advantage of folks wanting to get started. I always tell folks,
"No...I won't sell you a breeding age doe out of my herd."

I get some funny looks...but I'll add. "If I 'did' sell you
one of my does, Do you think for one minute it would be
one of my best?" I can usually see the 'light' come on in their heads.

Of course, I wouldn't sell my best. But, if I were a shyster,
I'd sell one of my worst. AND THAT WOULD BE WRONG!!!
Those rabbits need to be sold to the snake-guy,
or put in the freezer. Not into the care of someone just beginning. the key to success in raising rabbits.
Find a good, honest, breeder and listen to what they
have to offer you. If they're decent, honest folks,
they'll urge you to slow-down, take your time, and
get some young stock out of their top producers at
a price that is reasonable and fair to both party's.

Listen to your NZR fella. He sounds like a good-un!

Wow,,,May I also add I never had to buy rabbits in My past...I did have about 70 rabbits at one time for about 8 years....I had taken over my grandmothers stock...all I ever needed was a new buck every now and then..So I really should of known better this time around, but I just wanted to get started ....Also a secret reason is my Grandmother that I take care of is now 92 and failing...and she raised rabbits for years and I kind of wanted to show her some kits..Im sure ya'll know what I mean...But i should now better than to rush things Maybe I should buy a Buckin a rush....Id mistanlky end up wit a pregnant DOE haha<br /><br />__________ Wed Jul 03, 2013 8:16 am __________<br /><br />And thsnk you everyone sooooooo much...I do feel better
For some reason I still have a lil hope for this doe...she just looks preg...even gained 3 lbs this past month and I wasn,t feeding her ALOT xtra...maybe she was being under fed were she was??
Look on the bright side. If she doesn't kindle a rabbit in the freezer for 65 cents is a good deal.
I think it was 65 dollars. I had a doe that kindled at 34 days, and the breeder I got my AM chins from said they tended to run 36 days (esp on their first litters). So there is hope. And since you spent the money on her why not give her at least one more shot.

Best of luck...the NZ reds sound great! Lucky for you to have found that guy.
lol It was 65 $ ....yes I wanna giveher 1 more shot......But I dont want 3 preg does... and a,,I gues I might have to build a few more cages or someones ending up in the freezer...<br /><br />__________ Fri Jul 05, 2013 3:43 pm __________<br /><br />Well I dont think shes gonna kindle,.... But I do want to breed her again..........I took her inside and my GMAfelt her up and said shes just fat and shed make a good side with side dish with some potatoes....I gave her a make over (nails cut, drops in ears, combed her) and Im not sure whether to have her bred again from the original people I got her from (they offered me free stud servics ;) or bring her to the new dude and use his huge NZ buck when I go pick up my trio... That would make me go form 1 doe to 3 bred does... IDK what to do.... if I Dont get the trio and have her bred again and she doesnt kindle I threw away another least with a few bred my chances are higher... decision decisions
If you raise them for your fun and meat avoid pure breeds especially from the same location as much as possible.
I would take a hybrid from known parents over pure breed for health reasons.
If it were me, I'd get the trio and let those two have their litters and breed this doe later this summer/fall. I like having more does than I need in case one get sick or dies for some reason.