Snot! @#$%

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thats a good idea MSD she is a little raw looking and has some dried blood inside her nose. Maybe I will use nasel spray and then put a thin coat of vasoline in their. OH hubby... where are you... :lol:
I don't think I would use vaseline since it creates a moisture barrier. Do you have any Vetericyn spray?

I just remembered another little trick I learned when one of our dogs got a foxtail up its nostril... I squirted olive oil into the nostril, and the dog was able to sneeze it out. I have since done the same with a few different dogs belonging to friends. It saved us (and them) hundreds on a vet bill. :D
JessicaR":3ikttexi said:
She makes me feel guilty like i am starving her to death :shock: I give her 1 cup of food (plus hay) when she is not nursing, 2 cups when she is, and every morning she is out of food and begging for more! She pulls on the wire as soon as I get near her cage and crams her head in the bucket like she hasnt ate in months :roll:

I free feed my nursing does, so maybe she does need more when she has a glad you found the oat!
ok so I didnt use vasoline. She was less than amused with the nasel spray! She really stomped around after I put her back in the cage, not to mention she sneezed some of the spray on me. :shock:

OAF, she only has 3 kits right now, so I didnt want her to eat too much so I can rebreed her. She is in good body condition with 2 cups, i will add more food when the kits start eating pellets. I think she would happily eat 3 or 4 cups if I let her.
JessicaR":afqb3ovt said:
She was less than amused with the nasel spray! She really stomped around after I put her back in the cage, not to mention she sneezed some of the spray on me. :shock:

:lol: Revenge! :twisted: