Snot! @#$%

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Well-known member
May 18, 2011
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:rant: My NZW doe that has a litter of 2 week old kits has white snot in 1 nostril! WHY :wall: Please tell me its not the dreaded P word. She is not sneezing, or wheezing, no matted paws, and good appitite. What should i do :cry: If it is pasturella I dont know where she would have got it from, i havent got any new bunnies in a while and she is the only one that is showing any signs of snot. This just plain sucks!! I am supposed to breed her and the other NZW Friday so my son has rabbits for his meant pen for the fair in July.
I'd isolate her and the kits and let her raise them. A little time should give you a better idea of what you are dealing with. Impress on your kids that the rabbit may be sick and that they must not handle it to avoid spreading the illness to the other rabbits. I would not breed her at this time.
Oh no! I hope and pray she's ok. Hopefully she got a piece of hay or pollen in her nose.
I have her isolated and have been watching her closely. So far today I havent seen any snot. I dont know maybe its because our temps went from being in the 40's to the 80's with a couple of days. Now back down to the 50's and rainy. :x
My snotty issues would come and go. When she was 2 wks preg, delivery, when the kits started drinking from the water bottle, when they weened... Anything that changed. This one did not have crusty paws, sores, weepy eyes, etc.. She would sneeze from time to time and a few times that sneeze was white, bubbly, discharge. All of her kits started sneezing here and there by around 3 wks. I think that is pretty close to the time she started weaning them. They all had spotty lungs and excess fluid in the chest cavity. I am sorry! I would not keep her or her kits.
If it is only one nostril, she may have a piece of hay stuck up there irritating things ... can you get a good look?
Would you believe it! She had a piece of oat up her nose :oops: it came out with tweezers a little bloody,and pus covered but hopefully that was the problem. Note wear a long sleeve shirt when trying to deal with a 10 pound mad rabbit! I got some pretty good scratches on my arm, before I employed the hubby to help hold her feet :lol:
AnnClaire":3bzh09xc said:
If it is only one nostril, she may have a piece of hay stuck up there irritating things ... can you get a good look?
JessicaR":3bzh09xc said:
Would you believe it! She had a piece of oat up her nose :oops:

SCORE!!! for AnnClaire!!! :bow: :bow: :bow:

That is wonderful news, Jessica!

I'm sure your "patient" was none too pleased with you poking around in her nostril... but considering she was about to make a one way trip to freezer camp, you'd think she would have shown a bit of restraint with her claws! :lol:

What a happy ending. :) Congratulations!
Definately long sleeves! So glad you found the oat, I would think that would do it. Hopefully that solves the snotty nostril.

Sounds like you, with some husband assistance, are quite the rabbit wrangler! Great job.
Thanks MSD :beer2: :congratulations: Jessica!!!

You wouldn't believe the sneezing I got last weekend with the 30-40mph winds! Dirt "crusties" under the noses, seemed like everyone was having hay fever including the cat and dog :p ... I was having to take my allergy pill 2x per day just to get up in the morning and to be able to go to sleep at night!

And, I am not sure how she did it, but one doe actually sneezed an elm seed out of her nose ... more than likely, she inhaled it from the water dish ... she seems to get water up her nose every time I put fresh water in the bowl! Dingbat doe! LOL

Once it warms up, I keep an eagle eye on them as they seem to get the strangest issues! Thought I was going to lose a growout the other day. He got so excited when I opened his cage to put pellets in his bowl that he jumped around and one leg slipped through the expanded metal floor of the garden cart I am currently housing him and his brother in ... all the way up over the hock. Lord, I thought I wasn't going to be able to restrain him before he broke his leg or his back he was flopping around so much! If only they would quit digging all the hay I put on the floor to keep this from happening!

While I dread pastuerella, at this time of the year, I am more inclined to look for more mundane causes for issues. They have made it through the winter which should have brought out any lurking "P", in my case, no new buns brought in since February with a 30 day quarantine (only had to deal with fur mites on that one).

And then, we have the foggy, moist mornings when the poor angoras look like someone has sprayed them with water they have so much accumulate on their fur. Luckily, their fur is so hydrophobic that their undercoats simply do not get moist, but the other shorter haired buns can have moist, damp coats! Yuck! Poor babies ... they still get hay to snuggle in LOL
JUst wanted to say a big :thankyou: to everyone!! I am so glad I have this forum to pick peoples brains that are way more experienced than me!
Maybe you should have a chat with her that just because she eats like a pig, begs like a pig and occasionally grunts like a pig, doesn't make her a swine that roots for food!
She makes me feel guilty like i am starving her to death :shock: I give her 1 cup of food (plus hay) when she is not nursing, 2 cups when she is, and every morning she is out of food and begging for more! She pulls on the wire as soon as I get near her cage and crams her head in the bucket like she hasnt ate in months :roll:
My chin bites and shakes her feeder and wire walls for food. A few others pace or try to open their doors, they just cannot wait 5 seconds for me to get to them! The growers sometimes just lay out and eat or lay on their sides and eat while lounging, no manners at all.
I think we all learned from this incident. While white snot may usually indicate Pasteurella, there may be exceptions. The fact that only one nostril was involved should have made us look twice at the situation.

:thankyou: AnnClaire!

Since I feed crimped oats it is something that I will look out for from now on.

Jessica, if you are feeling brave, you might want to squirt some saline nasal spray up that nostril to help heal any abrasions she may have.