Yesterday, I noticed a doe sneeze a couple times. But I had just put out water bottles and all the rabbits were going nutso for the water and I thought she might have gotten some water in her nose. She sneezed again this morning. I pulled her and will cull her shortly. But I also noticed some lesions on her vulva. Is that another sign of pasturella?<br /><br />__________ Sun Feb 03, 2013 12:48 pm __________<br /><br />And I just realized she's due to kindle tomorrow. Crap!
So I'm assuming her kits would either carry pasturella or be immune? Would it be possible to foster the kits to another doe and cull her after she kindles?
So I'm assuming her kits would either carry pasturella or be immune? Would it be possible to foster the kits to another doe and cull her after she kindles?