Sneak Peek at my new Rex

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Well-known member
Apr 14, 2015
Reaction score
South River, Ontario
Hopefully next Monday I can share my own pics of my buns at home-- after all, I have learned that things don't always go as planned with these things! (Do they ever?!)

There are very few people (that I could find) breeding Standard Rex in my province. I connected with a breeder who has been so gracious and helpful in getting me started, I am so touched by her willingness to set up a newbie and being honest about her stock.

My sister is bringing them one leg of the journey for me as we are a good 6 hours from the rabbits and everything fell into place for a hand off midway.

Anyway, here they are :cool:
Sr. Lilac buck and jr. Broken black doe...

We're so excited! Both have been shown, buck is a proven sire.
I just want to squish their plushy buns LOL