I know this feed is pretty old now, but would anybody be able to post pictures of the exact setup and material if the boards, racks, cages? I usually use pine pellets in my trays to keep the urine smell down, but I want to seperate the poop out to harvest it to sell, without having to sift out the pine dust and then have to dry the pellets. I had thought about making a slant of wire mesh between the cages and the trays. This way the poop could roll, and the urine drain through. I do worry about the urine building up on the wire and making it harder to both roll and drain, not to mention cecals messing up the whole process. I know that the urine and pine doesn't hurt the fertilizing properties of the poop, but if I am going to be packaging it up, it would be so much easier to not have to dry it out so much. I also think some of the market I will be selling to, would prefer a purer/cleaner-looking product.