Skin sores on one of my bucks?

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Oct 1, 2013
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We just got four young Champagne d'Argents about a week ago, two bucks and two does. The bucks had been in the same cage when we got them, and are now separated. We found a few raised areas on one of the bucks, which looked like possible bite injuries. We took a couple of pictures of one of the worst one and were hoping someone could look and give their input? We aren't very familiar with rabbit skin problems and want to make sure it's not some obvious parasite.



I might try to get better pictures when my husband will actually help hold the rabbit for me.

We've using Vetericyn on it.
Hello Briz. Those sores do not look like bite marks to me. They look more like a bug breathing hole. I would have your husband help hold him so you can get better pictures and possibly see what, if anything, is in there.
I'm almost certain that's a botfly larvae (Very large maggot).Pack the hole with vaseline and if it's still in there it will poke out to get air, then you can pull it out with tweezers. Get a good grip on it and pull but not hard enough to tear it apart. If you keep a steady pressure it will lose its grip and slide out. The hole looks open,so the larvae may have already hatched. The good thing is that they almost always heal with no problem once the larvae is out
If it is a bot fly burrow please check all the buns for nodules or eggs

I don't recommend pulling the larva out by force. If you stuff salt in around the maggot it will try and escape after a minute or so and come out with just a tiny bit of pressure.
Thank you guys. We looked more in to botflies and fly strike after your replies and will be taking the appropriate actions to get them out and healed! We'll also check all of the other rabbits very carefully and do the same.