Show standards for harlequin?

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Well-known member
May 25, 2012
Reaction score
Cumbria, UK
I am working on a harlequin line right now and picked up a couple of new buns that are not show-able but could throw show-able kits so my question is, what makes a harlie a show star instead of the guest of honor at dinner?

Would so hate to eat a good one :lol:
Random Rabbit":iak1wb9e said:
As in the Breed Harlequin ??? or a harlequin Colored rabbit of another breed ????? So far that coloring is not recognized in any other Breed than the Harlequin breed....

The breed rather than the color, I guess.

The lady I bought the two does from said the standards dont cover size or shape, just color/pattern.

But as I know NOTHING about showing or show standards for rabbits, my starting point is her information.

I LOVE this place :cool:
ok...Type the Harlequin Breed is only 10 points out of a possible 100. So not a lot of weight is "supposed " to be given to that. However judges are So accustomed to judging Meat breeds that they cannot help themselves and do give a lot of their thinking to type.

I just Googled to try and find a site that has the Harlie standard on line and came up blank. :( However... there are several sites that show what they have available... and it could give You an idea of what is wanted.

There is a wonderful group of people on the Harlequin Facebook group... Good pictures,.. always willing to "talk Harlies"...

They could probably give You a better idea than i can... if my printer would allow... i would scan the sop and email it to You... but the silly thing Won't scan To the computer ...grrrr.

And there Are weight limits...
Thank you all so much!

I really enjoyed going to the breeder where we got the two replacements for Patches but I was really surprised at the SIZE of her harlequins, easily half as big again as our ones :shock: And sooooo very very soft.

My kids took a picture of Coco that I will post later, she looks like a horror movie extra. Very wicked looking bunny! Its a trick - I HOPE - of her markings and her possition in front of the camera but it sure is a bit freaky :lol:
Harlequins are given such little points towards type because their markings are such a hit and miss. Plus, they weren't really popular and they have a very poor gene pool now. It is not uncommon that their ears and legs don't alternate correctly and they have health issues. If I had a rabbitry big enough, it would be a nice project to do a little out crossing to improve their type and to broaden the gene pool. It's a tough breed to work with, but I'm sure when you start having successes, it will be greatly appreciated by others that work hard on the breed. The breeders near us have snot nosed harlequins. Very sad to see that :(
health issues???? what health issues are in harlequins?

If you are going to breed harlequins
1. focus on type if you can. Type just shows off a properly marked rabbit best. Also means those culls dress out better for the table. I started with a 45% dressout, and am up to about a 55% dressout.
2. you need to think alterations. A good three way front or four way will win a class most times. So dark ear, opposite dark face, matching dark front foot (to match the ear). If you can get good chest markings BONUS! Checker board tummies are nice but often aren't noticed. Opposite match the feet as well. Three bars down the sides, alternate if possible from one side to the next.

Do you get alot of solidish looking rabbits? yeah. But they sell as pets or into the freezer.
Can you get a whole litter of GACK why am I breeding these? yeah,
but you can also get a litter of's a nice one. :)
But breed for type, and the rest will eventually come.

From three does I can usually get one-three showables in the course of a year.
I love it if they are does and just go ACK when they are bucks. I don't NEED more bucks. (not for just three does). I show 'em then I sell 'em. People who take them go onto grand them. I've been fortunate.

it is not a breed for the easily disheartened. They aren't.
But seriously....breed for type and hope for the markings.
keep CLEAN MARKED rabbits even if they have horrid markings.
Don't keep the motley looking ones...that just breeds more motley looking buns.
Go for clean marks. Breed odd faced buns to bald faced ones for better markings.
And if you are breeding japs..CULL anything with a white foot. that's just downright annoying.

NOTE: I really enjoy my harles. I find them a lovely tempered breed and I've never met a truly nasty animal. Easy to handle, easy to breed, just overall easy keepers. Not a health risk in my herd at all.
ladysown":3dxqzbfv said:
health issues???? what health issues are in harlequins?

I've just known of people to have them and they just have weirder things go down with them such as the limbs/ears in their rabbits not working/ alternating correctly. Had a person I know sell out of them as quick as she got them because of the surprises that came with the breed.There just aren't many breeders down here, so everything has it's limits. The one big breeder breeds them poorly, so it makes for poor stock for people to buy from. They also show up with them all snotty nosed. I've seen some very pretty Harlequins in other parts of the country, but I would run far away from any stock we have available here.
The standard of perfection is copyrighted by ARBA and it is not legal to post it anywhere without permission..which probably wouldn't be granted. Go and buy an SOP. There are some great diagrams in there for harlie judging on what is correct markings and faults.