There is a show in Fresno December 15. March 23 there is a show in Hanford but that is a way off. There is one in Fresno on the 15 of this month but I can't afford to drive that far.
__________ Sat Dec 08, 2012 7:24 pm __________
I went to the show and had a good time. My 9 year old daughter enjoyed herself and seeing all the rabbits. We found her a Jersey woolie Doe and Buck. The doe is not show quality but a nice one for breeding. It is her Christmas gift. We then got a cute little buck for her Early Birthday gift. She turns 10 in February. The buck is able to be shown and placed third. He is 8 months. The doe I don't remember I think one. The breeder is only a hour away and explained to me what is good about both and the bad points. She also explained why they would be good together which I appreciated. Daughter is in love. I also met 2 Cremed'Argent breeders. One is where my pound trio came from. She was not happy. The boy who took them to fair was given them back by the buyer. He then did not take them so they were abandoned. Everyone was real nice and pleasant to talk to. I know some things to check out about my creme's and might be looking to buy a buck from a different breeder than my trio came from. Then see about getting one doe for my present buck. then I will have unrelated stock. My adult daughter is in love with the Creme's so she is going to go to the next show with me. I will probably give her the new buck to go with my 2 doe's and get me a doe to go with my buck. also ended up with two guinea pigs for two of my sons. One sons pig died last month so he was very happy. Found a good deal on some used cages. I cleaned them up as soon as I got home with vinegar and a all purpose cleaner. I then removed the bottom and replaced it. Now it looks good without a rusty floor. I will for sure go to the next show and try my luck at showing. Oh and I also saw the fella I got some of my NZW does from and my 2 satin's from. Went and shook his hand and let him know how pleased I am with them. My search for a white satin is put off for a while but oh well.