Three chocolate Satin Angora bucks to choose from. One is pet quality (6T), one is an unshowable color so being sold as a wooler, but a beautiful rabbit, and one is a nice show quality buck who I didn't think I was going to let go, but, if the right person is looking I'll let him go.
My herd has experienced RHD and all three of these rabbits survived the illness and should have a certain amount of immunity. They have not been vaccinated however. Arizona does have access to the MedGene vaccine and any rabbit can be vaccinated prior to sale, as a cost incurred by the buyer.
Multiple ground transports are available, as well as air shipping available. All costs incurred are the responsibility of the buyer.
My herd has experienced RHD and all three of these rabbits survived the illness and should have a certain amount of immunity. They have not been vaccinated however. Arizona does have access to the MedGene vaccine and any rabbit can be vaccinated prior to sale, as a cost incurred by the buyer.
Multiple ground transports are available, as well as air shipping available. All costs incurred are the responsibility of the buyer.