REW+ Blue dutch = tan???

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Well-known member
Mar 18, 2014
Reaction score
NE Newyork
scratching my head over this one lol I cant find my camera, or id take pics, but 2 started off looking blue to me, but i guess are actually black? or a very dark blue? and 2 are beige... ive bred this buck to a cali, and got cali offspring, bred to a chinchilla, got chinchilla offspring lol
I am assuming the buck is the REW which is the most recessive C-locus colour so when bred to other C-locus colours - chinchilla, shaded and himilayan - the kits will be chin and shaded and himi :)

Secretly he could be any colour under his white fur (as can Himilayans) and by this breeding it seems he carries one or two non-extension gene and the blue dutch doe must carry one as well and produced fawns which are a beige or orange in colour.

I think blue is pretty distinct from black so waiting for pictures.
ok I wasnt sure if the white could hide color (instinct told me "duh" yeah, its pretty rude ;) ) I've never had black kits born before, but the skin was bluish, and now has furred out to black, but its in the barn and I havent taken them out into light yet (its not dark, just dim) I didnt know that about the white being recessive (It makes sense to me, but I just figured I might eventually get some REW) ... I'll keep hunting for the camera (I know its around here somewheres :| )
ok... i guess my bigger question is how does a blue have fawn kits? I guess I have horse genetics in my head lol, that blue is black based fawn (palomino) is red based, white can hide anything, but you dont usually get a dilute of a different base like that :?
Actually rabbit and horse colour genes do have similarities

A Fawn rabbit is the equivalent of a chestnut horse - not a palomino which is a cream chestnut (rabbits dont have the incompletely dominant cream gene) and genetically is agouti "A_" (which also creates bay horses) and non extension "ee"

A black rabbit and a black horse are not agouti / bay so are "aa" (called "self" in rabbits) and full extension "E_"

A blue rabbit is a recessive dilution of black - horses dont have this colour - and since black is recessive to agouti you get agouti rabbits = fawns
oh, ok :) man last night i went up and took my light, i go to count and find only 3.... so i pull out all the bedding from the nest (she pretty much filled the litterbox, she is my first baby bury-er ) i stuff the other 3 in my pocket meanwhile... so i did not find the kit, then i start restuffing the nest and find him... he must have crawled out and burrowed into the loose bedding pile she made just outside the nest... scared me! I'm glad i made one more night check, almost wasnt gunna...

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