Register as a Grand with Certificate

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Jun 25, 2013
Reaction score
So I've heard and read that with so many wins u can register ur bunny as a Grand Champ or Best in Show, I'm just not totally sure on everythin about it.
A rabbit has to win Best in Show to get Best in Show. At each show, the judging goes by breed (if there are many varieties within the breed, they judge Best of Variety and Best Opposite of Variety) and they select Best of Breed and Best Opposite of Breed...then each Best of Breed winner is judged for Best in Show and Reserve in Show. :)

You can't claim Best in Show without that final win. :)

You need "legs" to be a Champion, three I believe...I forget the specifics but your rabbit has to beat a certain number of rabbits to get a leg. So far I haven't had to worry about it as I've yet to get a rabbit who gets a leg. ;)

So in theory, win Best of Breed or Best Opposite and beat a certain number of rabbits...three times...and you may qualify for champion status. Though...someone told me a rabbit must be registered for that? Can someone confirm or deny that please? :)
"Legs" are won if there are 5 rabbits and 3 exhibitors in a given Class / Variety / Breed .

Two of the legs may be won as a junior. One must be won as either a 6/8 or Senior.

After the three legs are won... and the rabbit is Registered...then the three legs can be sent in with the payment and a Grand Champion certificate will be issued.

You must be an ARBA member to Register and get a Grand Champion Certificate.
"Legs" are won if there are 5 rabbits and 3 exhibitors in a given Class / Variety / Breed .

Wait. Within a variety? So BoV could count as a leg with the required number of exhibitors and entered rabbits??? :eek: Wow, suddenly there's hope for me, LOL.
Okay I was just wondering about the registering as a Grand Champ and wasn't totally sure of the specific name, cause I have a Sr. Doe Mini Lop with two legs just from her first show!!!!
MiniLopManiac":3vucd70r said:
Okay I was just wondering about the registering as a Grand Champ and wasn't totally sure of the specific name, cause I have a Sr. Doe Mini Lop with two legs just from her first show!!!!

Since your rabbit is now a senior you've cleared that hurdle, but be forewarned sometimes that senior leg is the tuff one to acquire. You need one more leg to be entitled to send in for the grand champion certificate. You will need to be an ARBA member and have your doe registered first. Instructions are on the back of the leg certificate. Good Luck!! :D
She's already registered and her other two legs were as a senior plus I'm already in ARBA. But now she is deciding to go through a molt right before the next ARBA show
Kyle@theHeathertoft":1xd3hir4 said:
"Legs" are won if there are 5 rabbits and 3 exhibitors in a given Class / Variety / Breed .

Wait. Within a variety? So BoV could count as a leg with the required number of exhibitors and entered rabbits??? :eek: Wow, suddenly there's hope for me, LOL.

Yes. And for that matter, taking first place in a class of 5 or more rabbits entered by 3 or more exhibitors also results in the awarding of a grand championship leg by the show's secretary when he or she sends out the show reports.
Kyle@theHeathertoft":2w87buxj said:
"Legs" are won if there are 5 rabbits and 3 exhibitors in a given Class / Variety / Breed .

Wait. Within a variety? So BoV could count as a leg with the required number of exhibitors and entered rabbits??? :eek: Wow, suddenly there's hope for me, LOL.

Certain breeds , and Jersey Woolies, Rex, Netherland Dwarf come to mind... have * Groups *. All 'Self Solids' , for example, ( black, blue, REW ) are shown as a 'Group of colors' rather than the individual color. To earn a Leg in a Group the 5 animals / 3 exhibitor rule still applies.

Check the SOP for what breeds have Groups as opposed to Varieties.

Have i confuzzeled everyone yet ????? :p