Sunshine Rabbits
Koren Family Farm LLC
I was thinking about trying to litter train a couple of my rabbits. How should I go about this? And what ideas do you guys have for litter box designs (and what to fill it with)?
Rabbits usually pretty much potty train themselves, since they tend to be fastidious and choose one spot to do their business. My suggestion is to keep them in their cage for a while and watch where they choose to pee, then put a litter tray there. Voila - litter trained!I was thinking about trying to litter train a couple of my rabbits. How should I go about this? And what ideas do you guys have for litter box designs (and what to fill it with)?
I use horse bedding and it works well with no problems, but it's either in a tray below them or covered by pine shavingsI was wondering about the horse stall bedding, but I was afraid they’d eat it, it looks so much like food pellets. I guess you haven’t had a problem with that…? Also, we have a pellet stove and I can’t see that there’s a lot of difference between the fuel pellets and the stall bedding (other than price). What do you think? I haven’t bought horse bedding in a while b/c my roosters were trying to eat it (Yikes!) but the buns are in their own tractors so that’s not a problem, as long as THEY don’t try to eat it.
I never had any problem with either the clay cat litter or the pine, and we used them for years for two of my daughter's rabbits. The litter was only clay or 100% pine, without any clumping agents, scents or anything else. I didn't have problems with dust, either; maybe I just lucked out with the brand (can't remember what it was).It's generally best to avoid cat litter. Clumping cat litter can be toxic to them, and if ingested can cause impaction. Clay litter tends to be safer but if your rabbits eats it.... not so good eh, and it tends to be dusty which isn't good for lungs. And crystal type litters tend to be appealing to rabbits for some reason and tend to be eaten more than other litters. if you want to use a cat litter, yesterday news is a better option.
Horse stall bedding/wood pellets work really well. As do plain pine shavings.
rabbits prefer rectangular boxes over the triangular ones.