Recommend Christian Homesteading forum???

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Well-known member
May 28, 2013
Reaction score
Does anyone know of a Christian based forum about general homesteading? I am starting to like the forum setting better than things like facebook and would like to find another one or two I can join.

:) I do lurk there. But I am seeing more liberal minded and democratic input with not near as much input from conservative christians. Not that I don't still enjoy the conversations there - and the occasional (usually very civil) debates on politics. Sometimes that is really fun and fills my need to be argumentative - LOL. But I also sometimes just like to chat with like minded folks who "get me" rather than debating with people who don't.
Thanks Maggie. I ran a search like that earlier. But I am having trouble telling if the forums are very active. There are a few that look very "dead" and then others where you can't really see anything unless you go through the whole registration process which is a pain to do if they keep turning out to be duds. Not all forums are as awesome as RT:)
Nope I will still hang around here. It is much more in depth on rabbit info than anywhere else will be I am sure. I signed up for 2 that looked active (hopefully). I will check them out in more detail this weekend. Waiting for my registration to be approved which may take up to 48 hours - LOL. All that tight security - I may not pass inspection. :)

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