Rebreed when??

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Jul 5, 2015
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What do you think about when deciding to rebreed a nursing doe?
Mini rex: she has good condition, healthy appetite, 8 kits at almost 3 weeks old

I've just started the rabbitry and am trying to build a good line. It's not exactly an accelerated program, but I don't want to wait months before rebreeding either. Thoughts?


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If she's in good shape and ready to lift, go ahead and rebreed whenever.

Most does have no problem nursing and carrying a litter at the same time.

Weaning can happen anytime you or the doe prefers it to between 4 and 12 weeks.
Breeders have a lot of different opinions, but most everyone agrees that it's a bad idea to wean before 4 weeks without a REALLY good reason, and that it's not safe to leave bucks with does past 12 weeks...though small breeds have been reported to mature as early as 8 weeks.

If you breed her back now, the doe might get testy with the kits a little earlier then if she wasn't pregnant..
For example my does will usually tolerate their kits as long as they are left together, but others have reported having to wean a week or two before they intended because a pregnant doe decided she was done with her current litter..
Other things to consider at this time of year is your climate, are you expecting weather in the 90's in the next couple months?

Heat stress can cause a buck to become temporarily infertile and is very taxing on a pregnant doe and young kits who are stuck in a nest box and cannot move to cooler areas

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