Well-known member
I'm with you on the hay waste. Have you tried a hay rack hung on the cage? When I did that the hay waste went way down.
In to the cubes, I feed my adults like a 1/2 in piece twice a week for a change. Its alfalfa and Timothy cubes. My kits when in separate cage growing out I give them as much as they can eat. I do still supply my adult rabbit with a good coastal hay.
Weight gain, what % are you feeding? I feed 18% to pregnant does, lactating does, and grow out kits. Once I separate the kits & doe at 8 weeks and if not rebreed doe will go to a 16%. My bucks and non bred rabbits are all on 16% protein pellets. If some are over weight I cut their ration.
Keep in mind alfalfa is high in fat and could have the opposite effect you are looking for. Also , alfalfa is not recommended for adult rabbit. I just give it to them as a treat and to help keep teeth in shape.
@sabrinadionne , do you mind if I know what percentage of fat the two feeds you use are? And how you find that works for your herd? I am wondering because I have been using Purina Professional 18% protein for my herd. It has only 1.40% fat, which seems to be inadequate for my working does. They love Purina feed and hate any other brand.