Rabbit Taxidermy

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I have a question. Do taxidermist ever turn something like a rabbit into a plush toy? Seems a little macabre to me but people like realistic stuffed animals. What could be more realistic than a real rabbit lol
ckcs":21neztza said:
I have a question. Do taxidermist ever turn something like a rabbit into a plush toy? Seems a little macabre to me but people like realistic stuffed animals. What could be more realistic than a real rabbit lol

Soft sculpture taxidermy is actually REALLY popular.
The heads are mounted with traditional materials and the bodies are stuffed like a plush. The finished creations cost as much, if not more than traditional mounts.
They aren't viewed as toys, since rough handling would destroy them.

__________ Tue Jan 13, 2015 11:27 pm __________

Of course...there aren't too many people who can skin, debone, flesh, tan and break complete soft sculpture quality rabbit pelts without tearing them apart...


Consequently, there always seems to be a pretty strong demand for quality mountable pelts.
Lol! in fact that's what this rabbits I'm working on is going to be. I've mounted the head now I stuff the body with teddy-bear stuffing. (will post pictures when done).

in fact I do have one that I had finished a couple of years ago I put antlers on it too for a little Jackalope soft mount


and Zass is absolutely right!!! there are not very many people that can dry tan a rabbits hide for mounting! (I'm looking at you Zass) I'm still working on getting the meathod down...so far I've come closer than before but not close enough.
The ears on that chinchilla looks really nice. You wouldn't believe how many people allow the ears on their mounts to curl all sorts of horrible ways. :x

I wonder if painting inside them would help get a lifelike color?
I need to look into what it takes to paint them well. Zohn can do it like a boss...
but then...what CAN'T she do?

I think mature rabbit pelts are easier to tan, as they can take a lot more abuse and tend to look nicer mounted, but de-boning the feet can also be more of a challenge.

You know, I wish I could sit down with you sometime and show you how I tan them, I'm sure you could teach me a few things too!!! (Like how to mount a head)
lol! thanks a bunch guys! that jackalope was a fun thing to do.!

I thought about painting the inside of the ears but I'm not sure what color to paint it. on non-steeled rabbits like the opal and chinchilla the insides of the ears are an off-white and it resembles the color they are anyway. meh, I dunno...

Oh, I so with you and I can sit down and talk, Zass! I think we can wast away the day just talking about rabbits. Mounting bunnies are not that hard! (I'm sure you are going to say that about tanning them) it's they eyes and ears you have to pay attention too. The ears kinda fold the right way as they dry anyway and I've really looked at my buns for eye ref. the bigger does sometimes have a little droopy eyes like bloodhounds (the Flemish REALLY has this big time).

UHG! we need to talk face to face!!.......when are you coming to Colorado?
it's -11 cold cold but the rabbits seem to be doing fine.

lol! or Florida! some place where it's warm!!
I dunno! I've been to Arizona and boy dose it get hot there!! like I almost turned into a crispy-critter in that heat. I hear Washington has like English rainy weather.
Humid weather doesn't work out well for tanning, and bunnies seem to be more likely to have respiratory problems in humid places. Hmmm...Seems like the worst rain and humidity in Washington is on the coast though, so if I avoided that area...
what about Texas? or Oklahoma? they seem to have milder winters there (but gotta watch out for tornadoes...)
Nope- Virginia is not a good option either! We get pretty Humid in the summer! Hawaii maybe?! There's next to no humidity there-- I don't think anyway!
or Alaska. Cold weather and Sun non-stop for 6 months but hey! lots of fun stuff there! XD

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