She drinks water , not lesser than she did before breathing problems i think but she coughs or chokes after drinking. The bumps however almost all turned to black small scabs now and are about to vanish i think.Well, fingers crossed...
What are you feeding? Maybe dampening some of her food might help with water intake. Even read of someone who's bunny went crazy for wet hay - I wouldn't leave it in there for long since I guess it would spoil fast, but maybe worth a try.
She has water bottle but hardly ever uses it. She prefers bowl.Maybe a water bottle instead of a bowl will stop the coughing.
She breathes heavily all the time. After drinking she coughes/chokes but after eating seems fine. She's an outdoor rabbit so i guess that it's humid enough especially that it was raining yesterday and the day before yesterday. I don't know but i think she breathes a bit better today. Gonna keep you updated.Does she only have trouble breathing after eating or drinking? If you have a humidifier that may help and maybe respiratory RX it's for chickens but may help open her airway?
She has myxomatosis vet said but she was vaccinated so she may survive. Myxo can cause breathing problems. I'll read about it. She was outside today and was activeThe humidifier would help un clog her nostrils. This is what I've used in the past. View attachment 28001View attachment 28001it sounds like she may have a respiratory infection. Choline really supports lung health because the body utilizes it to make surfactant which helps keep your alveoli open(the blood gas barrier is in the alveoli). I found this article about choline and rabbits and apparently choline is really important for rabbits.
I'm sure there are choline rich foods you can give her.
All rabbits are vaccinated. Rest is okayAre all your rabbits vaccinated? Your rabbit was probably infected by an insect bite. you might want to Prevent rabbit fleas. Use a suitable spot-on flea killer to limit the spread of disease. Your vet will advise.