Questions about my meat litter

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Well-known member
Feb 18, 2013
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Big Island of Hawaii
So I weighed all my meat buns today.

They will be 7 weeks on the 21st.

They are fed mostly forage.

1 - Male - 31oz
2 - Girl - 32oz
3 - Girl - 28oz
4 - Girl - 28oz
5 - Girl - 34oz (I double checked her sex)
6 - Male - 40oz
7 - Male - 34oz
8 - Male - 32oz
9 - Girl - 32oz

So 291oz or 18.19 pounds for 9 rabbits at 7 weeks.

Are these good or bad weights?

And for fun, here's a photo!

Sounds good to me, !! you can cull at 3mothns if weights keep goin like that!!! Ihave a FG and she weighs around 16 lbs I have her on free fed but doesnt really touch it, she fills up on Alfalfa, green tomothy crass I grow, clover, apples, carrots, parsley and wheat bread lol..Good lob!@!
They average about 2 lbs. I would want mine to be heavier than that by 7 weeks. I know on forage they don't gain as quickly. If it was my decision I would move the young from their mother and feed them pellets and BOSS to so they would gain quicker. I guess it just depends on how soon you want to butcher. I have a NZW litter that is 4 weeks tomorrow. They will be moved to their own cage this weekend. They average 1 lb 4oz right now. I want to butcher at about 8 or 9 weeks.
I think mine were more than that at that age, but I fed more pellets than you, with some Boss and forage and oats and hay. And your litter is bigger that makes them a little smaller on average I think. I will take the biggest female for sure.<br /><br />__________ Wed Jun 19, 2013 4:53 pm __________<br /><br />Mine were all close to 4 lbs by 8 or 9 weeks, the four that were butchered at 11 weeks were all for sure over 4 lbs, the male and female I kept were bigger. I don't have a big enough scale to weigh them now. But that rabbit food is expensive here.
Annie, you have SUCH great forage at your place! We should spend some time figuring out whats safe to eat that you have in large amounts. :) I've had tons of fun looking up stuff and feeding it to the buns.

When in doubt I feed large amounts of the weed in question to my guinea pigs and see how they do.<br /><br />__________ Wed Jun 19, 2013 4:24 pm __________<br /><br />Mine love Ulu-he ferns!
lol lol lol loll hence the term guinea pigs lol lol......dayna slow growing of ruffage will taste better, I do what you do.... and Ive also done the opposite, aI like giving them more stuff around the yard, dandelions, long grasses etc etc
Yeah there is so much that they like.

Coconut palm fronds, ferns, grasses, guava branches with leaves, hibiscus, banana leaves, etc.
I am learning but I need to learn a lot more. I am going to plant sunflowers, moringa (a plant I have been taking as nutrition supplement that is good for rabbits), and I want to plant some sweet potatoes. There is sugarcane off in the bushes somewhere on my property too. I go on walks to find that pigeon pea that is their favorite.
Is there a differance between boss and regular sun flower seeds?<br /><br />__________ Fri Jun 21, 2013 8:56 pm __________<br /><br />How much and how often too.
Striped sunflower seeds have a tougher hull, and may be lower in oil content.

There are warnings not to feed striped sunflower seeds, but I was looking into it last year... seems the warnings are for horses, which couldn't process the tough coating. Rabbits, though, with their teeth in ever-need of wear, should be able to eat them just fine. :)
Miss M":2sz5v3y0 said:
Striped sunflower seeds have a tougher hull, and may be lower in oil content.

There are warnings not to feed striped sunflower seeds, but I was looking into it last year... seems the warnings are for horses, which couldn't process the tough coating. Rabbits, though, with their teeth in ever-need of wear, should be able to eat them just fine. :)

That's good news. I don't have to be as careful in giving my bunnies sunflower seeds then. :)

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