Pregnant Doe Bleeding - 10 days to go UPDATE

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Aug 19, 2013
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Hi everyone,
Just wanting some advice regarding a doe I have. This will be her second litter but I am concerned as she has started bleeding. She still has 10 days to go to her due kindle date. Has anyone else experienced this, can it be normal and is there anything I can do to help her.
Any suggestions and advice greatly appreciated.
Many thanks!
I've never had a doe bleed that early, occasionally one will have a few drops 2 or 3 days before kindling but it is still rare in my herd.

With the summer heat it is possible she is aborting the litter, several members have lost litters and had stillborn kits this year :(

There is not much you can do at this point except to wait and see and cross your fingers.
I know it's not summer for Flipp in New Zealand, but I have no idea what the temps are there now. Dood may be right.

Or...are you sure it isn't just some red urine? I have been scared by mine doing that a time or two.

*fingers crossed for this to resolve*
Hi guys,
Thanks so much for your replies. Its definitely not red urine, it's definitely blood. It certainly can't be the heat over here as its winter here. She is indoors at a warm temp and definitely won't be overheating. Today there is no sign of any more blood so hopefully she will be ok. Yesterday I gave her some strawberry leaves so hopefully that may have helped her. I just hope she will be okay, she is the best doe, so friendly and happy with such a laid back personality. It will be devastating should anything happen to her. If anyone else has any thoughts or advice please let me know and I will keep you all posted. Many thanks. <br /><br /> -- Mon Jul 21, 2014 8:14 pm -- <br /><br /> Oh dear.....she has now pulled her fur and started making a lovely nest. She is only 23 days! Any advice anyone?
No, it's definitely not possible that she could have been bred earlier. She was bred 29 June. I guess I just have to wait and see but I am feeling so worried!!
Some does will make an early nest, so that part doesn't really worry me as much as the blood. All you can really do is keep an eye on her.

*fingers crossed for a healthy delivery*
Hi everyone, just wanted to let you know that today is Day 32 and my doe seems to be doing fine. She has confused me several times over this! Now Im starting to doubt there will be a litter. She pulled more fur a couple of days ago which she added to the nest and she spent day 29 and 30 not eating and lying on her side which I thought was a great sign of imminent arrivals but yesterday and today she is stuffing her face, gobbling up hay and pellets every time I check on her and happy to hop around and lick me and chat away while lapping up the pats. She gets mad when I stop patting her by thumping her feet!! She looks very large but there is no sign of any movement in her belly (that I can tell anyway!!) and I'm not great at palpitating yet (and I'm afraid of hurting her on any babies to be honest!!). Her nipples are all out but I'm wanting to know that if she aborted the litter 10 days ago would she continue to display these signs?
Don't give up yet... definitely don't remove that nest box for another week!

I'm not surprised you're not seeing movement... it's gotta be pretty cramped in there at this point.

It's possible that she's reabsorbed them, but it's also possible she's just running late. Give her some fruity Tums, in case she needs them (or some oyster shell for chickens, if you have that), and keep a close eye on her. Make sure she keeps drinking, and that she eats at least a little bit.


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