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Heritage Homestead

Well-known member
Mar 29, 2012
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We finally got out to harvest our potatoes and they turned out really well! The first time we have had a really successful potato crop.
The kids probably got the most fun out of it. All the younger ones were helping. Even down to the baby (almost 2). She loved it! :)
I don’t know who started it, but pretty soon everyone started yelling when they found another patch of them. “I found more gold!” “I found a big vein!” “This vein isn’t good anymore. Lets set up another charge over here.” I kept reminding them that these were not Yukon Golds.
It was like finding buried treasure though. Most of the plants were not there anymore, so we had to start going through the whole plot. :dig-hole: It was pretty exciting when someone found some. Everyone would rush over and leave off where they were working. The person who found the potatoes did not like this very much since they wanted to harvest those themselves. Claim jumpers! :angry: My brother started to carry around one of the toy rifles to ward off anyone who tried to grab his potatoes. :2guns: Actually come to think of it I think he was also using it in an effort to take other peoples as well. I’m pretty sure I recollect holding him off a claim of my own. :gun:
Yes, we are a bunch of crazy people, especially my brothers. :yes: They love history (at least parts of it). I think their favorites are stories of the old west. My 4-year-old brother has a growing movie collection. It is made up entirely of Roy Rogers, Gene Autry, and The Lone Ranger. An Ohio gold rush was right up their alley. Anyway, I think I am getting slightly off topic.
Here are some photos of our crop. :p
There were a lot of good-sized ones! You can also see brother's toy rifle. I don’t think that is the safest way to hold a gun. Good thing it can’t shoot anything! Unless imaginary bears count.
We also had some tator tots! :)
Here is the result of our labor. And there is still some more out there.
Sis used them and made a delicious veggie rice soup for dinner.
I think it is great you all had so much fun! And you'll remember the day every time you eat those potatoes. :)

Ours are still in the ground, but we will need to dig them soon. I wonder if we will get as good a harvest. They are all from store-bought spuds that had begun to sprout last spring.
Thanks all! We did have a lot of fun. With 7 siblings (ages 18-2) life is hardly ever boring. :D

MaggieJ- Hope you get a good harvest of potatoes in as well!
Interesting to see how others do things. Glad it was all fun. My family grows potatoes and we dig them up weekly througout July to September. We grow only grow varieties of red potatoes. Theres quite a difference in taste and texture between them and other types such as white.
Whoa!! That's a nice bunch (bushel?) of potatoes.

My niece asked me if I grew the potatoes I cooked today, and sadly I had to say no. I tried last year in the straw bale, it was just too hot. I completely forgot this year, but I will make it a priority next year to get those spuds in the ground.