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Oakville Shooter

Well-known member
Oct 8, 2010
Reaction score
Central Virginia
I bred five of my does a month ago and they are due to deliver yesterday, today, and tomorrow. I filled the nest boxes with hay and placed them in the cages on Tuesday.

This morning when I went out to feed them before work, I see that one doe has kindled. She is the Red NZ/Californian cross. But she pulled no fur and was sitting beside the nest box instead of in it. The kits were all dead due to exposure/getting too cold. This was her second litter.

This doe was a first time mom back in September and she pulled lots of fur. She made the prettiest nest of them all. This time, nothing. Just a burrowed out spot in the hay.

Also, for her first litter, she delivered 12 kits. Two were dead when I found them the first morning. She raised the other 10 to be very healthy, well fed kits.

I counted the dead this morning. She had 16 kits. No, that is not a typo, she really did have 16 babies.

The most disappointing part to me is that I had bred her to the Blue NZ male. I was really hoping to get some blue kits out of this litter.

This was the first litter that this buck has sired so at least I know that he is capable of producing kits. I guess that that is the only good thing to come out of this.
if you can , bring her inside and put her in a large rubbermaid tote, I put mine in the bathtub, that way if they hop out I hear them in the tub,
I put a good layer of shavings in the tote and the nest box, once I see that the doe is taking care of them, they go back out.
I fill for you i lost 2 litters that way. Mom will be culled soon as i dont think she has an ounce of mommy skills. If you have not tossed them you could sell them as snake food. I have wanted to but always forget and im a little scared ill get bashed on craigslist for it.
Um, a good friend has been known to tat rabbits with such names as Stew and Soup, She said hawk bait was to long to tat on a polish's ear
She had a two bite and your food policy and never has kept a bad mother, says they pass it on.
I re-bred her last Friday, as well as 4 other does. Hopefully things will work out a bit better this time around.

__________ Fri Mar 04, 2011 7:46 pm __________
Well she missed on that breeding, so I bred her yet again. She started pulling fur two days ago. This afternoon she presented me with eleven kits with fat tummies.
Congratulations! :bouncy:

Sounds like her instincts are finally kicking in! Hopefully, she'll be a good, faithful mom from now on! :D