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Wow, cool. You got evidence of a double dose of self (black, blue), non-extension (red), dilute (blue) and chocolate (lilac). So your lilac otter is <ata bb cchd_ dd Ee> and your chestnut doe is Aa Bb C_ Dd Ee>. It's hard to nail down those second C genes because the C series has so many alleles and a lot of co-dominance issues. But since they've never produced a himi, sable or REW, it's a good bet that at least one parent is homozygous full-color <CC>
Your blondies could be either lynx (lilac agouti) or cream/fawn (dilute red), I'm leaning towards cream for the ones in the photos, but there could be either or both among those bunnies. Once again, check for rings. :)
Super glad I can help - as you might guess I love this genetics stuff!
The doe I bred him to both those time, was a mix doe half New Zealand and half Silver Fox. So wait, lilac otter or Martin? Cause this buck is the pics from my other recent update LOL but produced the otters with the mix doe.

But when I bred him to a REW Rex doe (which is where I got all those ermine/shaded ones and that weird one that’s white with brown eyes with just the tiniest hint of shading on her tail, and then bred with a broken castor I got REWs and some broken reds, a broken castor and a couple castor? Idk that litter got mixed up thanks to my ever so helpful child and husband LOL.
The doe I bred him to both those time, was a mix doe half New Zealand and half Silver Fox. So wait, lilac otter or Martin? Cause this buck is the pics from my other recent update LOL but produced the otters with the mix doe.

But when I bred him to a REW Rex doe (which is where I got all those ermine/shaded ones and that weird one that’s white with brown eyes with just the tiniest hint of shading on her tail, and then bred with a broken castor I got REWs and some broken reds, a broken castor and a couple castor? Idk that litter got mixed up thanks to my ever so helpful child and husband LOL.
Oops, lilac martin, not otter - typo! Otters have tan markings, martins have silvery white markings.
The doe I bred him to both those time, was a mix doe half New Zealand and half Silver Fox. So wait, lilac otter or Martin? Cause this buck is the pics from my other recent update LOL but produced the otters with the mix doe.

But when I bred him to a REW Rex doe (which is where I got all those ermine/shaded ones and that weird one that’s white with brown eyes with just the tiniest hint of shading on her tail, and then bred with a broken castor I got REWs and some broken reds, a broken castor and a couple castor? Idk that litter got mixed up thanks to my ever so helpful child and husband LOL.
The REW doe can be just about any color or pattern underneath the white. I think of the REW <c> genes as throwing paint over a colored rabbit. So a REW can be anything from <AA BB cc DD EE> which would be a homozygous castor under the white, to <aa bb cc dd ee> which is a homozygous non-extension lilac under the white, or any combination in between. She can't carry chinchilla because you know she's <cc> but the buck gives you that chinchilla gene for ermines, and it would dominate the doe's <c>. It sounds like your REW doe is hiding non-extension <e> which is the other gene you need to give you ermines. (Ermines also need A but the buck can provide that.) So if the ermines were all you had in that litter, I'd call your REW doe <_ _ B__ cc _ _ ?e>

Your lilac martin <ata bb cchd_ dd Ee enen> bred with a broken castor <A_ B_ C_ D_ E_ En en> would likely produce castors and broken castors. That pairing could also produce reds and broken reds if the castor carried non-extension (which would mean she was <Ee>). The REW kits would mean that both your buck and doe carried <c>. That would be <cchd c> for the buck and <Cc> for the doe.

So if all the kits were indeed in the right litters (I have kids "helping" too, haha) your buck would now be <ata bb cchd c dd Ee enen> (you know his whole code!!!) and your castor doe would be <A_ B_ Cc D_ Ee Enen>
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